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Leaders of Princeton Ballet Club Call Ballet ‘Imperialist, Colonialist, White Supremacist’

Leaders of Princeton Ballet Club Call Ballet ‘Imperialist, Colonialist, White Supremacist’

“We aim to decolonize our practice of ballet”

This is what happens when Cultural Marxists take control of actual culture. They ruin it.

The College Fix reports:

Princeton ballet club to ‘decolonize,’ calls ballet ‘imperialist, colonialist, white supremacist’

Leaders of the student-run recreational ballet club at Princeton University recently denounced ballet as “an imperialist, colonialist, and white supremacist art form” and spelled out goals to “decolonize” their group.

The club’s leaders released a document that articulated a number of actions to that end, including adding a land acknowledgement to shows.

Club leaders also state they will “explicitly prohibit” the use of choreography or story lines of “historically problematic works,” but do not cite any examples.

They also plan to roll out mandatory diversity, equity and inclusion goal-setting sessions and require community service of members.

Princeton University Ballet states it is “student-run and directed by undergraduate and graduate students, presenting one show each semester as well as other outreach guest performances.”

The 929-word denouncement of ballet was republished in full Jan. 23 by Rod Dreher of The American Conservative.

“This is how the American elites are being indoctrinated to think about art, race, their country, and themselves,” Dreher wrote. “This is not a passing phase. These people will move into the directorship of institutions that will have a major effect on life in this country. They hate ballet. They hate art. They hate beauty. They hate their predecessors in the dance tradition. They hate freedom of thought.”

The Princeton dancers’ document stated in part:

Ballet is rooted in white supremacy and perfectionism. We are all entering this space with a mindset that what we see as perfect is a white standard. … We aim to decolonize our practice of ballet, even as ballet remains an imperialist, colonialist, and white supremacist art form.


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Will the leftists ever run out of things to ruin?

The Gentle Grizzly | February 1, 2022 at 10:28 am

Will the ballet club disband?

/I thought not.

If it is sooooo horrendous, why don’t they just decolonize themselves right out of the club?

Morning Sunshine | February 1, 2022 at 1:23 pm

I am not a fan of ballet. I can recognize the talent and WORK of a ballerina and a ballet, even the youth productions, but I do not enjoy the hours spent watching it. That being said, ballet is a European cultural art. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.

Be careful if you are white and try to learn the art from another culture, as then you are culturally appropriating another culture.

All future ballet performances will focus on bitches and ho’s. Swan Lake will now be La Brea Tar Pit, just sayin.

Hey guys, you do realize that there have been Black ballet dancers and choreographers?

There has also been a tradition of Chinese dance that is very similar to European ballet.

An idea has been put forth that there should not be “merit-based selections” and that it is wrong to strive for “perfection” and that it is wrong for audiences to watch performances closely and to sit in judgment of the performers.

Many grade school kids experience stage fright and anxiety before auditions and performances. Most out-grow it. It sounds as if the students at Princeton need to come to terms with the basic ingredients of performing arts. If ballet is not to their cultural liking, consider the collegiate band performances, etc.

    rochf in reply to lawgrad. | February 1, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    Or the students at Princeton could just shut up and allow the rest of us to enjoy an art form that has been around for quite awhile–they can go make up a woke form of dance, if they choose

    tbonesays in reply to lawgrad. | February 2, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    so that’s ‘cultural approriaton’

Princeton University Ballet: We apologize for the art we have spent our entire lives practicing.

Surely they can compromise. Maybe like the religious flagellation pageants of old, ballerina penitents can lash themselves to a pulp for their sins while performing Nutcracker. Though, like those old flagellation pageants, they may demand audience participation.

So ballet wasn’t built on the backs of slaves?

Phew, what a relief!

Well if Ballet is that bad, what do you have to culturally offer?

It is art, it is beautiful, and i think ballerinas are super hot. If you don’t like it you do not have to go to the ballets. Go watch black hos twerk, bump, and grind.