Governors Give Biden Awful Reviews, Demand He Move to Endemic Stage

Democratic and Republican governors, like most people, rarely agree on anything.

The governors agree on two things: Biden is failing and we need to enter the endemic stage of Covid.

Republican Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, chair of the National Governors Association (NGA), told Biden that governors on both sides want the CDC to help them “go from today to more normal.”

Hutchinson said: “We need the CDC to help us to have the right standards to end this pandemic and move to more endemic status.”

Biden admitted the government has “got a way to go on that,” but thinks it’s the way they’re “moving.” He promised they would “try like the devil to keep schools open.”

Yeah, we’re all frustrated and ready to move on. Some of us luckily live in saner states like Oklahoma where we have been living like normal people for a while.

Also, our private schools opened in August 2020 with little to no problems.

But no one wants the pandemic to end. The media is obsessed with panic porn. The government loves the power people handed to them.

So I don’t know why Hutchinson thinks the CDC needs to set the standards. They’ve done an awful job from the beginning. How about each state do what they need to do?

Biden also promised more money…but only if the states use the money to push his agenda while Harris harped on about voting rights:

Biden said he has “made it clear” that some of the funds should be used “to fight violent crime,” and pushed states to hire “additional police officers,” and to invest in community violence interventions.He also said the country needs to “do more” for essential workers to keep them on the job.”That can mean, as some of you used, hero retention bonuses, higher pay temporary, paid leave to combat burnout and essential health care workers,” Biden said.Speaking before Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris renewed her push for voting rights legislation, telling the group that “regardless of who we voted for in the last election, we all as leaders of our nation understand the importance of ensuring that all people who are eligible to vote have an ability and a meaningful ability to vote and access to the ballot.””So I would ask that in this coming year, we work together to ensure that all Americans who are eligible to vote actually have meaningful access to the ballot,” Harris said.

Gag me, lady. Everyone can vote in America.

Let’s talk about grades. Biden sucks along with his administration.

Hutchinson did not give Biden a letter grade. He described the administration as “poor” when it comes to border security, the Afghanistan withdrawal, and inflation.

Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey said Biden has a “failing administration” and criticized Biden for going back on his promise to govern as a moderate:

“The failed exit from Afghanistan, the surging inflation that’s a hidden tax on everyone in this country, the highest cost of everyday living that we’ve seen in 40 years, the crisis at the border that’s not only affecting Arizona but every state with fentanyl spilling in, and now this muddled policy in Ukraine, we’ve never projected more weakness on the global stage, and there’s no real sense to his economic policy,” Ducey said.

Is anyone shocked? Did anyone think Biden would be a moderate? If you did…I’ll keep my mouth shut. I just cannot believe people would actually believe Biden would be a moderate as president.

Idaho Republican Gov. Brad Little reminded everyone that the governors had weekly calls with the previous administration. Little claimed his Democratic colleagues admitted they received “better service form [sic] the Trump White House than they are from the Biden White House.”

The governors now speak to someone lower on the totem pole because Biden wants to use “Congress to get their initiatives done.”

Well, Biden and his minions want big government. They don’t care about the states.

Little is correct. All states are different and “what works in Idaho doesn’t work in Virginia or Maryland.”

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu agreed on the communication problem:

“Their communication is just terrible,” Sununu said. “And from a leadership perspective, communication is everything. Communication builds public confidence and builds transparency.””I sure as heck did not vote in support of President Biden when he was running for office, but there was an expectation with a lot of those independents in America that said, ‘well, I’m hoping he will use his relationships, reach across the aisle, build consensus, find some way to get Republicans’ voice in there … not come in with an authoritarian approach … make it a one-size-fits-all,” Sununu continued.

Tags: Biden Administration, Wuhan Coronavirus