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College Students Challenged to ‘Dismantle Patriarchy’ in Art Competition

College Students Challenged to ‘Dismantle Patriarchy’ in Art Competition

“change the larger societal system of patriarchy and create an accepting society”

The arts sure have changed. Remember when art competitions were based on artistry and skill rather than left wing politics?

Campus Reform reports:

Fix the patriarchy with art, get $1,000 prize

The organizations “V-Day” and “A Call to Men” are currently running an art competition that tasks high school and college students to “change the larger societal system of patriarchy and create an accepting society.”

Winners in the “Dismantle Patriarchy” competition will receive $1,000 for their “visual art, music, essay, story, poetry, video or photography” submissions that “dismantle — take apart, break into pieces, deconstruct — patriarchy.”

Campus Reform covers how patriarchy is discussed in higher education and used to push leftist narratives.

This semester, American University is offering the course “Mental Health, Madness, and Neuroqueerness,” which examines how “ideas about mental health and wellness are situated in systems of colonialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.”

Last year, Campus Reform reported on Katjha M. Guenther’s book The Lives and Death of Shelter Animals. According to Guenther, a gender studies professor at University of California-Riverside, shelter animals’ deaths are the “outcome of everyday and sustained collisions of capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy, and patriarchy.”


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Mental Health? Madness? Dismantle Patriarchy?

The perfect entry is obvious.

A sign saying:
“[This school’s name]’s patriarchy will be dismantled at 5 PM today.”
A “sculpture” of the Italian Fascist symbol, with the sticks replaced by dynamite (real or simulated, choose one).
A timer wired to the sculpture and counting down.

I used to wonder what the world would have been like if only a certain German art student had been admitted into art school. Haha.


That’s one I’ve never heard before. I can guess what it means. (hint: It doesn’t matter)

And the women involved in this “collective” probably still prefer sex with alpha Republican men.