Canadian Elites Declare All-Out War On Truckers, Including Seizing Pets

Ottawa and the federal government are pulling all the punches to get rid of the Freedom Convoy.

Justin Trudeau’s justice minister David Lametti threatened people who donated to the convoy. Of course, he brought up Trump because these people are insane and Trump broke them:

ANCHOR: “I just want to be clear here, sir, this is really important. A lot of folks says look I just don’t like your vaccine mandates and I donated to this. Now it’s illegal, should I be worried that the bank can freeze my account? What’s your answer to that?”LAMETTI: “Well if — I think if you — if you are a member of — you know a pro-Trump movement who’s donating hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars to this kind of thing then you ought to be worried.”

Lametti also said equated donating to the convoy to financing terrorism:

“Evan (ph), we already do this with respect to terrorist financing. We already do this with respect to money laundering. What we are doing is extending the same kinds of principles and procedures to this situation, which is funding of illegal blockades. It’s — it’s — this isn’t — this isn’t new — this isn’t new under the Sun, Evan (ph), this is something that the police and financial institutions already do together. In certain cases we’ve extended the case and so they already have experience working in this area and therefore when I say we’re going to trust their reasonableness it’s based on the experience that we’ve already have.”

Ottawa will even take away your pets. What will happen to your pets? Breitbart News reported:

Breitbart News spoke briefly to an Ottawa City employee who stated that animals taken into care under normal circumstances are managed by the Ottawa Humane Society, a non-profit animal shelter.While other branches of the Humane Society describe themselves as “no-kill” shelters, such as the Etobicoke Humane Society, a 2015 article on the Ottawa Humane Society website, written by Executive Director Bruce Roney, notes the shelter does euthanize animals.“As an open admission shelter, the OHS accepts all animals at any time, no matter how old, sick, injured, and no matter what their behaviour or temperament. We are always here for them. That means those that are not treatable, rehabilitatable are humanely euthanized by caring professional staff who wish that they didn’t have to,” Roney wrote.“So, is the OHS a no-kill shelter? I don’t know. It depends on which definition you subscribe to. But you won’t catch me or anyone else here using the term. I do know this: we are a no-suffering shelter,” he added.

This lawyer somehow thinks the convoy costs the city and businesses $15 million a day.

Tags: Canada, Fascism, Justin Trudeau