U. Texas at Austin Students Fret Over Defunded Police Not Monitoring Sex Offenders

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t demand the police be defunded and then fault the police for not doing more to make you feel safe.

Campus Reform reports:

Students feel ‘compromised’ after Defund the Police changes local sex offender policiesWith cops in Austin, Texas, not supervising “hundreds of sex offender cases” due to Defund the Police budget cuts, Campus Reform spoke with students at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) about their safety.”The situation in the city of Austin has been critical for some time ever since the city of Austin council decided to defund the police unanimously in the summer of 2020, and reduce their police budget by one-third,” sophomore Carter Moxley said.Moxley also discussed UT Austin President Jay Hartzell’s decision last November to “increase [University of Texas Police Department] patrol in the west campus area and develop additional options to enhance safety for [the] students” after a violent incident near campus.”The UT PD is basically stepping in where the Austin Police Department cannot because they’re so underfunded in this situation,” he stated.Campus Reform also spoke with Daniella, a senior who requested that her last name remain anonymous.”As a young woman, I feel like my safety is so much more compromised without a reliable way to reach the police if I ever found myself in a dangerous situation,” Daniella said.”Violent incidents are not at all uncommon in Austin, especially around the university area, where I spend a lot of my time,” she added. “Longer wait times for help from police, if they arrive at all, makes me seriously consider acquiring a weapon as a means of self-defense, especially knowing that hundreds of sex offenders are no longer being monitored by police.”

Tags: Campus Sexual Assault, College Insurrection, Crime, Texas