Senate Dems Protect Putin’s Gas Pipeline Using ‘Jim Crow Relic’ Filibuster to Stop Sanctions

Democrat “leaders” including President Joe Biden, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and former President Barack Obama have been on a coordinated campaign for months now to get Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to change their minds and stand with them on eliminating the filibuster so they can ram through radical bills like one that would federalize our elections and make it easier for voter/election fraud to happen.

One of the primary weapons in their arsenal has been to label the filibuster and the use of it “racist,” or as Obama put it in 2020, “a Jim Crow relic” that needs to be abolished – comments Joe Biden echoed in 2021.

Here are some recent examples of similar rhetoric from other Democrat politicians:

Earlier this week during a speech in Georgia, we saw perhaps the most aggressive push yet from Biden to get the two Democratic holdouts on board, shocking some political observers who apparently don’t know Biden’s history very well by suggesting that anyone who disagreed with him on changing the Senate rules on the filibuster and/or regarding election reform were no better than racist Democrats of the past including Bull Connor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis.

“I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?” Biden rhetorically asked at the time. “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide. To defend our elections. To defend our democracy.”

Two days later, however, the same Democratic party that has flip-flopped on their previous defenses of the filibuster and who are now routinely painting it as a tool only racists would utilize turned around and used that very tool to block a bill proposed by Sen. Ted Cruz that would impose sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2:

Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked legislation from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to slap sanctions on businesses tied to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a win for the Biden administration, which believes such sanctions could damage relations with Germany.Senators voted 55-44 on Cruz’s legislation, falling short of the 60 votes needed for it to pass. Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), Maggie Hassan (N.H.), Mark Kelly (Ariz.), Jacky Rosen (Nev.) and Raphael Warnock (Ga.) joined every Republican save Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in voting for the bill.

Understandably, Cruz called ’em out:

On a related note, in 2020 alone, Senate Democrats abused the filibuster 327 times to block Republican/Trump agenda items. Republicans used it once.

This tweet sums things up for Democrats rather nicely on this issue, I think:

Indeed, you couldn’t make it up if you tried. You just couldn’t.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Biden Congress, Biden Russia, Democrats, Raphael Warnock, Ted Cruz