Pelosi announced she is running for reelection.
She promised term limits for Democratic House leadership roles. That means if she wins she won’t be speaker again, right? Right?!
Sources told CNN she isn’t ruling out another term as Speaker. Why would she? The woman loves power.
The Pelosis also love their money. They’ve raked in millions since she joined Congress.
Both parties are guilty, but Pelosi is the top Democrat in the House and in making excellent stock movements.
The Pelosis took home millions last month:
The Democratic majority leader and her husband, Paul Pelosi, recently bought millions of dollars worth of call options for stocks including Google, Salesforce, Roblox and Disney, financial disclosures published Thursday show.The purchases occurred from Dec. 17 to Dec. 21 — just days after Pelosi insisted in a press conference that members of Congress should be allowed to trade individual stocks despite often being privy to insider information that can move markets.“We’re a free-market economy,” Pelosi told reporters, adding that members of Congress “should be able to participate in that.”
They sure love the free market when it helps them out!