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Virginia Republicans Continue To Clean House As AG Fires Political Appointees And Announces Investigations

Virginia Republicans Continue To Clean House As AG Fires Political Appointees And Announces Investigations

Newly elected Attorney General Jason Miyares relieved around 30 staffers in the AG’s office of their duties, over the howling protests of Democrats.

Over the weekend, as Republican Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as Virginia’s new governor and began to take immediate actions, reports emerged that other new Republican elected officials were also cleaning house. Newly elected Attorney General Jason Miyares relieved around 30 staffers in the AG’s office of their duties, over the howling protests of Democrats in Virginia. Miyares has also taken immediate steps to reverse democratic policies on prosecutions for certain crimes, investigate high profile public corruption, and reverse radical climate policy. Reactions were mixed, based on the political perspective of the commenters.

So, what really happened?

Miyares, like Youngkin, wasted no time enacting his agenda for the Attorney General’s office. After the January 15 swearing-in ceremony, Miyares informed 30 staffers that their employment had terminated (as reported by Fox News):

Miyares notified about 30 staff members that they will no longer be employed by the office of the attorney general. Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas tweeted that Miyares fired the “entire” civil rights division, which Miyares’s office tells Fox News is not accurate.

“This is incorrect information,” Miyares spokeswoman Victoria LaCivita said. “There are 12 individuals who work in the Office of Civil Rights – only two personnel changes were made.”

“During the campaign, it was made clear that now Attorney General-elect Miyares and Attorney General Herring have very different visions for the office,” LaCivita told “We are restructuring the office, as every incoming AG has done in the past.”

In addition, Miyares announced two high profile investigations into public corruption:

One of the reasons Virginians get so fed up with government is the lack of transparency – and that’s a big issue here. The Virginia Parole Board broke the law when they let out murders, rapists, and cop killers early on their sentences without notifying the victims. Loudoun Country Public Schools covered up a sexual assault on school grounds for political gain, leading to an additional assault of a young girl.

Virginians have dealt with the horrific aftermath of these scandals, without understanding how or why they were able to happen.

Virginians deserve answers – they want transparency and accountability.

As a candidate, I promised to investigate these scandals and be as open and transparent as possible – because Virginians deserve nothing less.

As Attorney General, I am proud to say that the process has begun. Investigations by my office into the Parole Board and Loudoun County Public Schools are open.

After his surprise election triumph, Miyares spoke on election night about his priorities when he took office:

Republican Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares—whose transition team includes Loudoun Sheriff Mike Chapman—said wants his office to play a greater role in the prosecution of local criminal cases and that he plans an investigation of sexual assault cases in Loudoun County Public Schools.

During his post-election press conference Thursday, Miyares told reporters he’d be introducing a bill to the General Assembly that would also allow the Attorney General’s Office to intervene in cases when local officials think a local prosecutor isn’t handling the case well.

Currently, county or city prosecutors may request the AG’s Office to handle a local case, but Miyares wants to allow police chiefs and sheriffs also to be able to ask for the state to step in to carry some cases if local prosecutors won’t.

“I’m thinking specifically of some of the so-called social justice commonwealth’s attorneys that have been elected particularly in Northern Virginia,”Miyares said. “We are obviously aware of some pretty horrific cases where they failed to do their job.”

As if the woke mob’s heads couldn’t spin off fast enough, Miyares also withdrew the state from a coalition suing to give the EPA the power to regulate emissions from power plants:

Virginia has dropped out of a coalition of states urging the Supreme Court to find that EPA has broad authority to regulate power plant emissions.

Attorney General Jason Miyares (R), who took office over the weekend after Republicans swept the state in November, tweeted last night that he was “proud to announce Virginia is no longer participating in West Virginia v EPA.”

The tweet signaled Miyares’ rejection of his predecessor’s challenge to a lawsuit launched by coal companies and Republican-led states asking the high court to curb EPA’s authority. The Supreme Court last fall made the extraordinary move to take up the case, which focuses on a regulation that does not currently exist.

Arguments in the case are scheduled for Feb. 28.

West Virginia v. EPA, Miyares said in his tweet, “could devastate the coal industry and the thousands of jobs it supports in Southwest Virginia. Virginia is no longer anti-coal.”

To recap: Miyares has announced investigations into politically motivated coverups of sexual assault in the Loudoun County School District, and into politically motivated and illegal prisoner releases by the state parole board; fired 30 employees hired by his predecessors in the office he now runs; begun the process to initiate prosecutions that Soros district attorneys have failed to bring due to political motivations; and withdrawn from a case brought by several state Attorneys General hoping to get the Supreme Court to appoint the EPA to regulate power plant emissions.

Not bad for his first week.

Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds, and on Gab at @RealJeffReynolds.


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Wow. I thought Youngkin was the lessor of two evils. I am pleasantly surprised. He is actually doing what he said he would.

    What I’m waiting to see is how he works with the VA legislature given one half of it is Democrat-controlled and the other is Republican-controlled.

    henrybowman in reply to MattMusson. | January 21, 2022 at 5:03 pm

    Well, Miyares is, at any rate. He’s one of the first Republicans I’ve seen lately that understands the difference between being in office and being in power. Given this performance, I would say he has a bright future ahead of him.

Ah, the handwringing over what is a completely normal practice re: firing people. You don’t think Democrats do the same thing when they’re taking over from Republican administrations?

    Olinser in reply to p. | January 21, 2022 at 2:08 pm

    Dumbass RINOs STILL haven’t learned the lesson from the Bush administration. Nobody remembers the insanity where Clinton fired every single US attorney (except a single one on the personal request of a Senator), and then Bush DIDN’T fire the US attorneys at the start of his term and tried to fire a small handful after a few years and they suddenly pitched a fit?

      TheOldZombie in reply to Olinser. | January 21, 2022 at 2:28 pm

      Exactly. The Republicans, every time they take a political office, should immediately fire every single person they are legally able to fire. You’ve got to clean house always because if you leave Democrat picks in those positions those people aren’t working for you. They’re working for the Democratic party.

      Democrats understand this and when they take office every position they can fire someone and replace with their own people is done.

    henrybowman in reply to p. | January 21, 2022 at 5:05 pm

    Someone needs to remind Louise Lex Luthor Lucas that elections have consequences.

Would you trust the staff of the previous AG? No it’s best to start fresh.

    rochf in reply to TimMc. | January 21, 2022 at 9:49 am

    This is where Trump made a mistake–he should have cleaned house as well; I’m looking forward to seeing what the new administration does in Virginia

      A big part of the problem for Trump was that Obama people took civil service jobs, and firing a federal civil service employee is incredibly difficult. As well, Senate Democrats deliberately forced cloture votes on hundreds of Trump nominees who otherwise would have been confirmed by voice vote or unanimous consent during other administrations, because their dislike of him was greater than making sure he could have a fully functional executive branch.

        CommoChief in reply to p. | January 21, 2022 at 11:30 am

        Yeah that’s very true. The civil service rules impede consequences for bad actors. Perhaps the next r Admin could create a new ‘joint, interagency task force’ with it’s HQ in the Arctic?

        Then simply transfer the obstructionist Fed employees to that HQ? They could then choose to resign or accept the transfer. That would clear the decks of those who would work to actively impede the policy goals of the new Admin and very likely demonstrate just how few Fed employees are actually needed to get things done.

        Olinser in reply to p. | January 22, 2022 at 12:15 am

        No, a big part of the problem is Bitch McConnell openly said he wouldn’t confirm replacements for a whole host of people, refused to hold votes on a whole host of nominees that Trump did name, and then kept the Senate ‘in session’ for FOUR YEARS specifically so Trump could never make recess appointments.

        Trump should have called his bluff and fired them anyway.

          MoeHowardwasright in reply to Olinser. | January 22, 2022 at 5:23 am

          The system wouldn’t let me up vote 1k. I’ve been saying this for years. Transfer every unneeded federal employee to McMurdo Sound in Antartica.

I hope the next Republican President takes notes on what’s happening in Virginia. Fire every US Attorney and the top three layers of every federal agency. For starters.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 21, 2022 at 8:19 am

In the picture, the AG looks like a Person of Caucasian. Or, am I missing something? It’s early yet.

I think it’s way past time to stop the LABELING of people! Who cares and what should it matter if a person is white, brown, black, red, tan, yellow, or any color? What should matter is if that person is HONEST and FAIR and BELIEVES IN AMERICA! That’s it! The left makes a great deal of a person’s skin tone, sexual “preference”, and “preferred pronouns”. They could care less about the person’s intellect, character, or honesty OR their ability to actually do the job! I hope the PLAN that Gov. Youngkin and the others will be shared with other incoming Republicans and they too can be efficient in “cleaning houses”!

    henrybowman in reply to BLSinSC. | January 21, 2022 at 5:11 pm

    But we label the minorities we elect just to be able to stick them in the eye of our opponents, the soi-disant champions of minorities, who nonetheless never seem to nominate them for those positions.

The new team in VA is demonstrating how to get things done. Clear out the deadwood, withdraw from partisan suits and work from day one to create the environment to deliver on their campaign agenda. Amazing contrast to other r who whine and moan but refuse to take the steps necessary to create the conditions to achieve success.

I heard Youngkin changed the name of one office – cabinet level position. Changed Equity to Opportunity. I like the idea. Elections have consequences.

It is a lesson that Trump learned ex post facto, and that the current VA administration is taking to heart: It is best to do such things quickly and pick up the pieces afterward, rather than ease into a new administration one person at a time.

Hopefully, future Republican presidents will learn from this experience and have their lists of Day One Political Appointees To Be Given A Cardboard Box Full Of Their Desk Contents And Shown The Door.

In Trumps defense he went along with the RINO recommendations that were in place to limit his abilities. McConnell never adjourned the Senate so there were no recess appointments. They slow walked his nominations. We know what you did RINOs.

    You know you started the no-adjournment-so-no-recess-appointments practice? The Democrats when George W. Bush was president. Also, recess appointments are only possible if both houses of Congress are in adjournment for longer than 10 days; if one or both of them wants to be gone longer than 3 days that requires an adjournment resolution which must be agreed to by both bodies, otherwise here come the pro formas.

      Olinser in reply to p. | January 22, 2022 at 12:18 am

      Democrats doing it to Republicans, and Republicans doing it to Democrats, is just politics.

      Never, in the history of the US, has a Senate done it to a President from their own party for FOUR YEARS. It is literally unprecedented.