Elizabeth Warren Thinks Biden Can Save His Presidency With Executive Order Canceling Student Loan Debt

Elizabeth Warren thinks she knows how Biden can fix his imploding presidency. All he has to do is sign an executive order canceling federal student loan debt.

American taxpayers just haven’t been squeezed enough yet by inflation and high gas prices.

The hosts on CBS This Morning pointed out Biden’s poll numbers and the lead now being enjoyed by Republicans but Warren insists all is not lost.

Virginia Kruta reports at the Daily Wire:

“All the polls are very, very bad, right?” Dokoupil continued. ” I mean, the — Gallup had a poll that showed a preference nationally for Republicans at a five-point margin over Democrats. You started with the insurrection and a nine-point advantage. In the fourth quarter, it was a five-point margin for Republicans. So something is not right here. Something that you think could change the game for President Biden is with the stroke of a pen he could cancel student loan debt federally,”“Yes,” Warren agreed.“Why do you think that would make such a difference?”…“It would affect about 43 million Americans. And keep in mind, for the people who are dealing with student loan debt, about 40% of them do not have college diplomas. These are people who did what we want them to do as Americans. They tried. But they had babies, they were working three jobs, they moved and they didn’t make it, so now they’re dealing with student loan debt on what a high school grad makes,” she said.

Here’s the clip:

What better way to tick off working class Americans than to force them to bail out people who voluntarily took on student loans?

If you want to watch the whole segment, it kicks off with Warren accusing Republicans of trying to prevent black people from voting, because lying comes very easily to her:

Warren must be making the rounds on media because she also recently appeared on Stephen Colbert’s left-wing Democrat power hour to do some more complaining about the non-passage of the Democrat ‘voter reform’ bills.

Remember how Democrats constantly claimed that Trump was destroying our norms? Watch Colbert and Warren yuk it up over his idea to abolish the Senate:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Education, College Insurrection, Democrats, Elizabeth Warren