Conservative Talk Host Dan Bongino Permanently Banned by YouTube

Conservative commentator Dan Bongino has been permanently banned by the video-sharing social media site YouTube for allegedly spreading ‘misinformation’ about COVID-19.

I do not believe this was why he was banned and neither should you.

Misinformation has become nothing more than a cover for the left to silence voices they don’t like and the banning almost always goes in the same direction.

The entire Democrat Media Complex pushed misinformation about Trump colluding with Russia for four years and no one paid a price for it.

In my humble opinion, the Bongino ban is all about politics.

Chris Mills Rodrigo reports at The Hill:

YouTube permanently bans Dan BonginoYouTube on Wednesday permanently banned conservative commentator Dan Bongino from the platform, saying he attempted to evade a previous suspension.The Fox host uploaded a video to his main channel while his secondary channel, which primarily hosted short clips from his digital radio show, was actively suspended for violating YouTube’s COVID-19 misinformation policy.“When a channel receives a strike, it is against our Terms of Service to post content or use another channel to circumvent the suspension,” a YouTube spokesperson told The Hill.Both of Bongino’s channels have been removed and he will not be able to create a new one in the future, the platform said.The YouTube spokesperson confirmed that attempts to make new channels “associated with his name” will also be denied.

Bongino has a channel on the alternative video-sharing site ‘Rumble’ where he addressed the YouTube controversy:

The truth is that Dan Bongino will be fine.

New social media sites like Rumble, Gettr, and others are being launched as alternatives all the time, and that’s a good thing. People need to have choices since the legacy sites are controlled almost exclusively by social justice warriors.

Tags: Cancel Culture, Conservatives, Dan Bongino, Free Speech, Social Media, Wuhan Coronavirus