ABC Poll: Only 28% of “Nonwhite Americans” Agree That Biden Should Only Consider A Black Woman For SCOTUS

Perhaps it’s time for Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden to publicly declare that he is really Joe “I am the tiny radical progressive fringe 11% of the Democratic Party” Biden.  As he flails around destroying everything he touches, Biden is finding that the majority of Americans are rejecting his leadership and find him extremely unappealing, divisive, incompetent, ineffective, and unfit for office.

During his presidential campaign, Biden promised to select a black woman for his VP and to nominate a black woman for the Supreme Court.  Since that first promise worked out so well, Biden is plowing ahead with his decision to limit his SCOTUS nominee to less than 7% of the total population.  Needless to say, this is not going over well with the American public.

A new ABC News poll shows that a full 76% of Americans, including 72% of “nonwhite” Americans and 54% of Democrats, reject this self-imposed requirement.

ABC News reports:

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that a plurality of Americans view the Supreme Court as motivated by partisanship, while President Joe Biden’s campaign trail vow to select a Black woman to fill a high-court vacancy without reviewing all potential candidates evokes a sharply negative reaction from voters.. . . . During the spring 2020 presidential primaries, days before his set of big wins on Super Tuesday, Biden pledged to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, if elected.Now, with the chance to do so, just over three-quarters of Americans (76%) want Biden to consider “all possible nominees.” Just 23% want him to automatically follow through on his history-making commitment that the White House seems keen on seeing through.. . . .  Although the poll’s sample size was not large enough to break out results for Black people, only a little more than 1 in 4 nonwhite Americans (28%) wish for Biden to consider only Black women for the vacancy. Democrats are more supportive of Biden’s vow (46%) than Americans as a whole, but still a majority of Democrats (54%) also prefer that Biden consider all possible nominees.

The rest of the poll highlights Biden’s continued slide in popular opinion.  Unsurprisingly, Bidenflation is high among the American electorate’s concerns, and he is under water on every other issue in this poll save one, his handling of the coronavirus on which he is above water by one point.  Even Democrat voters are fleeing the sinking Biden ship.

ABC News continues:

A glaring weak spot for Biden is inflation, where 69% of Americans disapprove of his handling of this key issue. Speaking in Pittsburgh Friday, Biden acknowledged the crush of inflation, pitching his Build Back Better social spending plan as part of the remedy.. . . . Troublingly for the White House, only 1% of Americans view the state of the nation’s economy as “excellent,”and only 23% say it’s “good.” Three out of four Americans said the state of the economy was “not so good / poor.”Biden sees other troublesome disapproval numbers surrounding his handling of gun violence (69%), crime (64%), immigration (64%), the situation with Russia and Ukraine (56%) and the country’s economic recovery (56%.)The country is split on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with 50% approving and 49% disapproving. And while support from Democrats trends higher than the population as a whole, Biden’s support within his own ranks is softening. In August, 91% of Democrats approved of Biden’s handling of the pandemic. Now, that figure has dropped to 82%. The drop in support among Democrats around Biden’s handling of the economic recovery is even clearer, from 89% in August to 73% now.

Oddly, Biden is still shilling that Build Back Broker boondoggle as a “cure” for inflation, when all it would do (if it had a chance in the world of passing, and it doesn’t) would be to increase inflation.

Biden’s presidency is crashing and burning, and he seems to be in the pilot’s seat randomly yelling about election subversion or weird whispering about . . . who knows what.

Tags: Biden Appointments, Biden Cognitive, Polling, US Supreme Court