Stacey wrote an excellent piece on the leftists’ fascist trend toward shutuppery. In short, and as Andrew Klaven insightfully notes, since today’s left has lunged into anti- and un-American ideology and policy that the American people resoundingly reject, the “transformational” left has become completely intolerant of any challenge to their radical, destructive, racist, and economy-destroying policies.
As Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden flails and fails at literally everything, as their commie BBB boondoggle crashes and burns (thank you, Joe Manchin), and as American voters from indies to Hispanics reject the radical Democrat agenda, you can just see the long, silent scream and feel the foot stompy, pudgy fist pounding “shutup, shutup, shutup” from the emotionally-stunted, incessantly angsty, perpetual teenagers of the radical left.
Buzzfeed (yes, they are apparently still publishing, who knew?) recently published an article entitled, “Deplatform White Parents.” This is the ultimate shutuppery: literally calling on the media and social media platforms to deflatform “white parents.”
The article is a ridiculous attempt to conjoin through magical leftist “intersectional” thinking “transgenders” and black people. Obviously, that rubric is just too stupid for words.
“Intersectional” blah blah was always stupid, but I think this article highlights the very reasons it’s completely useless in political terms by demonstrating why Hispanics and the working class of every race are fleeing the Democrat Party in droves. Hello, you Latinx person of indeterminable gender, you are just like a transgender fe/male. Just. Like. Really, we mean it. Big grin, head pat.
Yeah, who doesn’t want to hear that? Oh, right, nobody. Ever.
This Buzzfeed writer is living in some surreal lunatic land in which black, Latino, Hispanic, Asian, Eskimo, indigenous, and every other not-white of European origin are exactly the same, have the same concerns and goals and needs. Probably even cultures. There’s a “POC” culture, right? Oh, and any trans person from those voting blocs and even from white ones are just like the “POC.” Just. Like.
Today’s Democrats literally see any non-white as a “POC,” not as a person, not as a person with a unique and important culture, not as anything but a blurry “POC” vote. It’s the most racist thing, possibly ever.
Honestly, I don’t even get that level of crazy. Instead, I want to focus on the equally crazy points this Buzzfeed writer makes about the need to force white parents to shutup, shutup, shutup.
From the Buzzfeed piece (archive link):
Whatever the content of the reporting or articles, in platforming these issues through the “concerns” of cis and white people, mainstream media helped distort what constitutes legitimate perspectives for coverage, and in doing so sidelined the actual difficulties experienced by marginalized communities, including Black and trans youth.
Absolutely everyone knows that black people have the exact same life experience as . . . checks notes . . . “trans youth.” So identical, just the same, exact mirror experiences. And stuff.
The root of the Buzzfeed article’s argument for “deplatforming white parents” is that they don’t toe the radical leftist line and must therefore be silenced. There is not one point in this entire piece that suggests that the white parents it seeks to deplatform are anything other than dangerous to the leftist orthodoxy.
This argument is built on sand, held aloft by clouds of delusion, and teetering on a shiny pile of Skittles pooped by the nearest unicorn.
Buzzfeed continues:
Right-wing activists used similar framing to introduce the so-called controversy over “critical race theory.” Attempts to eradicate histories of race in the US are nothing new. As recently as 2011, activists attempted to ban ethnic studies and Mexican American studies curricula in Arizona. But “ethnic studies” simply doesn’t have the polarizing — or “concerning” — ring necessary to stoke a national panic about existing curricular offerings like studying civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.The term “critical race theory” was perfect for right-wing campaigns, though, because, as one activist told the New Yorker this summer, to “most” Americans it “connotes hostile, academic, divisive, race-obsessed, poisonous, elitist, anti-American.” So a long-term campaign to dismantle any talk of race and history in schools was rebranded as a crusade against critical race theory, even though that term actually refers to a graduate-level theory about the intersections of law, culture, and structural racism that has nothing to do with elementary history in classrooms.
Okay, it’s hard not to laugh, right? Who has ever advocated NOT teaching Martin Luther King, Jr. in K-12? Literally, who? Ever?
As LI has tirelessly documented, the racist teachings through the lens of “antiracism” is divisive, destructive, and in direct opposition to the teachings of MLK whose infamous dream saw black people judged by the content of their character not, as today’s radical left insists, by the color of their skin.
As we have repeatedly noted, CRT is not about “teaching history,” it is about sorting students by skin color into “oppressed” and “oppressor” categories. “Equity” means supporting Black Lives Matter and racist redistribution and federal handouts based on race. It means reparations for blacks (yeah, so that whole POC thing is just a shill, one the Hispanic and Asian voters are finally understanding).
This Buzzfeed writer is either completely ignorant of what is happening in our nation’s schools or is complicit in the soul-destruction of millions of American children of all races: What’s more disturbing, learning that if you are white you are racist in the womb and will always be so or that you are a doomed, oppressed victim of whites (even those in the womb) with literally no hope at all?
This is the radical dystopian Democrat vision for America: self-hating whites vs. hopeless, perpetual victim blacks (or kind of, maybe not as importantly, of other ‘people of color.’ And also trans youth. You know, maybe.).
Interestingly, this Buzzfeed writer goes straight to the heart of the “problem” of white parents: there’s just too darned many heterosexual white people in legacy media. Stop laughing.
It’s not an accident that in all the race and trans backlash stories, class is invoked not to call out how white middle- and upper-class perspectives shape newsrooms (including through media CEOs). Instead, it is invoked to imply that anti-racism or trans rights are somehow an “elitist” concern. This framing takes pressure off the publications themselves to engage with these issues as a labor concern in their own newsrooms. But divorcing stories about class and identity from the real world and existing power structures is a distortion. Framing and context shouldn’t only be dictated by cis white fears and concerns.Still, there have been some changes by newsrooms around the framing of stories to acknowledge power imbalances in the real world. The Verge has updated its policies for giving big tech companies anonymity as background sources for articles. Some news organizations are questioning the uncritical use of police sources when ascertaining the truth of events. Cis and white “concerned parents” might be less obviously identifiable as problematic sources, but it’s a powerful category of people due for a similar reckoning.Tellingly, after a backlash to the white framing of its “how young is too young” CRT story, CBS changed the headline — not to, say, “White Parents Are Finally Having to Grapple with Questions Others Routinely Do.” Instead, it was replaced with a nonclickbait-y mouthful: “Documentary explores debate over how and when race should be taught in schools.”
We knew this was coming, right? At some point, there had to be a call for white people to step aside to make way for the blacks (and maybe, begrudgingly to other “POC”). Because not white (who’s really the racist party?). Oh, and let’s not forget that all “POC” are just exactly the same as transgender people. It’s all one, interconnected. It’s intersectional. That sounds good, right?
Well, if you don’t think about it, right? Yeah, no.
The next stage is the self- and not so self-purge among leftist pols, business execs, and etc. White leftists buying this garbage HAVE to step aside, maybe get jobs as housekeepers and seasonal fruit pickers to atone for this white privilege they have improperly profited from without any skill or ability of their own, trading solely on the color of their skin.
And make no mistake, that demand is coming, so be ready to shed every white person (and no, a BLM flag won’t save your white butts from the hordes you’ve created and fueled) Hollyweird, Democratic Party, Big Tech, and Sports, Inc. Purge all whites from your companies or suffer the consequences . . . the same consequences you’ve cheered for others, of course, so who will come to your defense? Not me.
Your mewls about racism targeting your lily white self will be met with the typical leftist refrain: shutup, shutup, shutup.
And will fall on deaf ears on the right. Because we told you so.
[Featured Image: Now-Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib at Trump event]