San Diego State U. Dean Complains on Social Media About ‘Stench’ of Conservative Agenda
“accusing conservatives of supporting racism and standing against equality”

You have to wonder if a person like this actually knows any conservatives or what modern conservatism even means.
The College Fix reports:
SDSU dean publicly criticizes ‘stench’ of conservative agenda
A dean at San Diego State University has called out the “Right’s agenda” on Twitter, accusing conservatives of supporting racism and standing against equality.
SDSU’s dean of the College of Arts and Letters, Professor Monica Casper, tweeted Dec. 1: “Just so we’re clear on the Right’s agenda: racism good, abortion bad, money good, women bad, capitalism good, sustainability bad, stupidity good, science bad, power good, equality bad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. Stench, indeed.”
On Twitter, she also criticized the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal: “No mercy, no justice – white supremacy wins again.”
And earlier this month, she reacted to the opening Supreme Court arguments of Dobbs v. Jackson by tweeting: “Two sexual predators, a white lady, and some racists walk into a courtroom.” The case is considering a Mississippi ban on abortions at 15 weeks; it could be used to reverse Roe v. Wade.
Casper did not respond to requests from The College Fix seeking comment.
She is a sociologist with a focus on feminism, environmental studies, and infant mortality among other topics, her faculty bio states.
One of her specialties includes combating infant mortality in black communities.
Her forthcoming book, “Babylost: Racism, Survival, and the Quiet Politics of Infant Mortality, from A to Z,” highlights the tragedy of black infant mortality in the first year of life, according to her publisher.

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I would rather see woke Deans, Sociologists, and other leftists putting their prejudices out in the public for everyone to see and evaluate, as this woman has done.
Unfortunately, most of them keep their prejudices hidden and malign conservatives every chance they get, without disclosing the false narratives behind their prejudice.
Whenever I see a news item like this, my experience is that there’s a 50% chance the perp is a crazy white woman, 25% that it’s a crazy black woman, and 20% every other possibility. What’s yours?
agree with your experience–and, white or black, they usually couldn’t get laid on a troop train
This is what you get when ‘research’ begins with conclusions. Why search for truth once you’re convinced you already possess it?