Report: NYC School Forcing Children To Eat Lunch On The Floor Indoors … Because COVID

Okay, I am blessed to live in Free Florida, so I don’t really ‘get’ what people are going through in other states.  We haven’t worn masks here since . . . oh, early 2020ish? And that was by choice because we didn’t know what this covid Wuhan thing was. Once we understood it better, we just quit wearing masks.

Our governor has fought to ensure that our state is safe (keeping seniors in nursing homes safe, unlike New York’s then-governor Cuomo, setting up vaccine and treatment centers) and free (ensuring we are not locked down, force-masked or -vaxed, etc.), so I do live in a Freedom bubble.  I know that, but I don’t think I appreciate my Free Florida freedoms as much as I should, as much as we should all appreciate our freedoms as Americans, until I see stories like this from New York City.

Here in Florida, kids have been in school all year, unmasked and thriving, but that’s not the case in New York City. They are apparently only recently back in schools, required to be masked at all times, including counterintuitively outdoors, despite all the science that shows children are at near zero risk of becoming seriously ill much less dying from WuFlu.

So it’s fall, almost winter, in New York City.  Apparently, forcing children to sit on the ground outside for lunch, while masked between bites, isn’t sufficient torture to establish control.

It’s too cold to force children to sit outside, so now, some NYC schoolchildren are reportedly required to eat lunch on the floor . . . indoors.

This insanity must stop.  What kind of twisted, elitist control freaks think it’s okay to force children to sit on the floor indoors for lunch?  WuFlu can’t transmit on the floor?  It only transmits if children are permitted to sit at tables like human beings and not chattel?

There is little more infuriating to me than the ill-treatment of children.

Keep it up, Democrats, no one can red-pill parents like you do with your insensible abuse of our nation’s children.

Tags: Education, New York City, Wuhan Coronavirus