I thanked Illinois and New Jersey for proving the pro-life movement’s argument about abortion not being about safety or privacy. Illinois revoked a law requiring notifying a minor’s parent or guardian before getting an abortion. New Jersey now allows non-physicians to perform abortions.
Now it seems pro-choice men want to help END ABORTION! You know, like us in the pro-life movement. We want to END ABORTION.
I’m trying to find the words for this story. Cutting off (literally!) means of reproduction to own the cons.
The Texas pro-life law, which bans abortion after six weeks, has driven men to have vasectomies to prevent unintended pregnancies.
So these leftist men and women are not reproducing and they’re helping to END ABORTION.
It’s a win-win!
Abstinence is a great and preferred method to prevent unintended pregnancies.
But come on. People are going to have sex. So while I thought the logical thing to do would be to use condoms, birth control pills, or even spermicide, I guess some men went the full distance by having a vasectomy.
Yes, men are having vasectomies because courts across America have accepted science that life begins at conception and abortion is murder.
Andy Gress told The Washington Post he had a vasectomy after his fourth child with his wife:
“The procedure was a total relief, almost like the covid shot — like I’m safe now,” said Gress, who works in higher education. “I wanted to man up.”But Gress’s action wasn’t just about his family. He also believed he should do more to support his wife and other women who don’t think the government should decide what they do with their bodies. “I’ve seen the miracle of life,” he said. “But I’ve also seen kids who are born into poverty and misery and don’t have a fair shot.”
Doctors don’t have stats to prove the Texas abortion law has motivated the men. Dr. Sarah Miller in Boston said she has more patients because of the law:
But, Miller said, she has seen an increase in patients at the small clinic she opened in Boston less than three years ago because she couldn’t believe “the paucity of options for men and people with men parts.”At one point, she was told that vasectomy was not considered part of family planning, and she had to make her own arrangements to get the necessary training.“It warms my heart to hear men say, ‘I am so nervous, but I know this is NOTHING compared to what my wife has gone through,’” she said in an email.
I know a lot of people immediately thought, “Yes! Leftists aren’t reproducing.”
But you guys:
The left acts like abortion is not a big deal. The women I know who have had one said they regret it. They live with that regret and sadness their whole life. Remember to embrace, comfort, and love those women.
So, yes. The plan is working: fewer leftists, but more importantly, an end to abortion.