New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Makes Sad, Laughable Attempt to Stop Omicron via Mask Mandate

Respiratory viruses are very difficult to contain and control. This is why when such viruses, when they can cause serious disease in humans, are studied and handled in high levels of biosafety containment.

However, since the “experts” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology made different choices, we are now entering the third year of pandemic-mania.

It is now being reported that the Omicron COVID variant is being found in the wastewater of major American cities.

Sewage testing in California – where omicron was first detected in the U.S. at the beginning of the month – found signs of the “variant of concern” in both Sacramento and Merced counties.No cases have been reported there, KTVU reported Thursday.Officials told Fox 40 that the findings indicate that the clinical cases of the variant “probably exist.”There are 12 confirmed omicron cases in California.In Boulder, Colorado, the state’s wastewater testing system detected levels of the variant, leading public health officials to tell reporters that there is likely “some low-level of community transmission,” according to Fox 31.There are only two cases in the state.In Houston, Texas, the variant was detected in wastewater earlier this week.”In an emotional level, I was a little disappointed. I really wasn’t surprised- Houston is an International city,” Dr. David Persse, the city’s chief medical officer, told Fox 26 on Tuesday. “It really clearly points out that we have got a community spread of Omicron in Houston.”

In fact, Omicron cases have been found in 25 states. Of course, “experts” are sounding the alarm about death and dying.

Dr Gregory Poland is one of the nation’s top experts on vaccination and immunology, and works as an epidemiologist for the Mayo Clinic and is editor-in-chief of the scientific journals ‘Vaccine’.As deaths in America continue to rise, he warns that people should not let their guard down.’32,000 Americans who think they’re going to be alive to celebrate Christmas and New Years are, no pun intended, dead wrong,’ he told, as his calculations show that with the current death rate in America, around 32,000 more people are likely to die between now and New Years.’Not one of them believes [they will die].’

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is making a sad, laughable attempt to stop the spread of Omicron via a mask mandate…as if that approach has had any meaningful measure of success at any portion of the pandemic response.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Friday announced a statewide mask mandate for all indoor public places unless the businesses or venues already have a vaccine requirement in place.The new mandate goes into effect Monday through Jan. 15, 2022, at which point the state will reassess its effectiveness based on Covid-related public health conditions.Noncompliant businesses could be subject to both civil and criminal penalties with a maximum fine of $1,000 per violation. Local health departments will enforce the mandate.

If the experts were truly interested in public health, they would be stressing personal care options (vitamins, weight loss, exercise, enhancing ventilation of work and residential areas) that would be protective and/or reduce the potential level of severity of the disease.

If the politicians were truly interested in public health, they would be aggressively searching for treatment options, either with repurposed drugs or by funding novel research projects. They would be ensuring their citizens had ready access to cost-effective therapeutics.

The only actions taken by “experts” so far seems directed at maintaining their power and funding. Sensible politicians will stop doubling down on failed policies and take up new strategies.

Tags: New York, Wuhan Coronavirus