Millions More People Claiming To Be Native American In Past Decade, According to Census Data
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Millions More People Claiming To Be Native American In Past Decade, According to Census Data

Millions More People Claiming To Be Native American In Past Decade, According to Census Data

“The Native American population in the U.S. grew by a staggering 86.5% between 2010 and 2020, according to the latest U.S. Census – a rate demographers say is impossible to achieve without immigration…. Instead, individuals who previously identified as white are now claiming to be Native American.”

Elizabeth Warren was not Native American. But she played one when it suited her career advancement.

In the past decade, millions more people have started pretending to be Native American, according to Census data.

Circe Sturm, Professor of Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin, writes, How the Native American population in the US increased 87% says more about whiteness than about demographics:

The Native American population in the U.S. grew by a staggering 86.5% between 2010 and 2020, according to the latest U.S. Census – a rate demographers say is impossible to achieve without immigration.

Birth rates among Native Americans don’t explain the massive rise in numbers. And there certainly is no evidence of an influx of Native American expatriates returning to the U.S.

Instead, individuals who previously identified as white are now claiming to be Native American.

This growing movement has been captured by terms like “pretendian” and “wannabe.”

Another way to describe this recent adoption of Native American identity is what I call “racial shifting.”

This chart provided by Prof. Sturm show the dramatic increase:

Prof. Sturm packages the phenomenon as fleeing whiteness and found that of the 45 people she interviewed for her book, only as small number were “fraudulent” claims, most were simply claims without proof:

These people are fleeing not from political and social persecution, but from whiteness.

I spent 14 years researching the topic and interviewing dozens of race-shifters for my book “Becoming Indian.” I learned that while some of these people have strong evidence of Native American ancestry, others do not.

Yet nearly all of the 45 people who were interviewed or surveyed for the book believe they have Indigenous ancestry and that it means something powerful about who they are and how they should live their lives. Only a tiny – but troubling – number makes blatantly fraudulent claims to advance their own interests.

But claiming to be Native American without proof is not innocent, it’s a way to obtain potential career and other preferences to which the person is not entitled:

These people are fleeing not from political and social persecution, but from whiteness.

I spent 14 years researching the topic and interviewing dozens of race-shifters for my book “Becoming Indian.” I learned that while some of these people have strong evidence of Native American ancestry, others do not.

Yet nearly all of the 45 people who were interviewed or surveyed for the book believe they have Indigenous ancestry and that it means something powerful about who they are and how they should live their lives. Only a tiny – but troubling – number makes blatantly fraudulent claims to advance their own interests.

That was Elizabeth Warren’s problem. She had no proof, and her claims to a good faith belief were not credible considering she waited until she was in her mid-30s and climbing the law professor ladder to assert she was Native American, Even then she did it mostly quietly in a way designed to juice her hiring prospects without being so public about it that people would question the claim.

Warren was also typical of “race shifters” in that she stole Cherokee status, which Prof. Sturm found was common:

Racial shifters also undermine tribal sovereignty when they create alternative tribes for themselves outside the federal acknowledgment process. Most of these groups, such as the Echota Cherokee Tribe or the Southeastern Cherokee Confederacy, have emerged since the late 1970s.

The number of these new self-identified tribes is startling. Over the course of my research, I discovered 253 groups scattered across the U.S. that identify as some sort of Cherokee tribe.

This is a huge number considering that there are only 573 federally recognized tribes, three of which are Cherokee.

Maybe consider the incentives to “race shift” – that may explain the dynamic.

(h/t Nathan Taylor on Twitter)


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Elizabeth Warren does not even rise to trailer-trash (trailer trash people are broke, but not necessarily crooks and frauds).

Jill Biden has more class….yikes, never mind.

But it’s the whites who have “privilege.”
Bwa ha ha.


. . . at least as much as Elizabeth Warren.

Now, where to I send my Harvard application ? Followed of course by an intership at WH or some Jackass Congressional office or a clearkship with Sotomayer or Breyer or Kagan.

When I got serious about completing my BS I had a wife and two toddlers. I had been told I had a great great grandmother that was Ute from Colorado. It was documented in the family Bible along with her parents names. I made the trip out to Colorado with the Bible where the council confirmed my great great grandmother was on their rolls and I was added as well as I was 1/16.

I got a one time grant the following year as the current budget had been distributed. I have never claimed it on any census or job application and never will. The last census I wrote in American under the ethnic selection. I think too many people are too wrapped up ethnic origins.

According to the woke crowd and social studies professors (but not and other people who actually know about genetics), race is not real; it is only a social construct.

So, if race is only a social construct, then each of us has a right to identify as any race we “feel” like. After all, leftists say we can identify as any sex we “feel” like, even though sex is an obvious physical trait.

So, if you “identify” as “Native American,” you have every right to put that down, just like a transgender has a right to put down their new sex. Besides, if you are born in America, then you are legally a Native American. (Don’t you live these ambiguous PC terms?)

Also, anthropologists have shown that all humans descended from Africans.
So we are ALL African-Americans.

When an application asks about your race (which no application should ever ask), you should choose to identify as Native American (true), African-American (true), or whatever you feel like will do you the most good. Same goes for your gender.

    OldProf2 in reply to OldProf2. | December 24, 2021 at 6:35 pm

    P.S. Elizabeth Warren IS 100% Native American. She was born in Oklahoma City, which is part of America. We all get to be native to somewhere. But she claimed to be Cherokee, which she is not.

Guess white privilege isn’t the thing.

the_last_l3oyscout | December 24, 2021 at 6:56 pm

I know I did this on the census. I was born in America. It is my native country. I don’t get any job or educational benefits from claiming it on the census. I also checked White and African American. The fact that my ancestors spent 100,000 years or so in Europe does not mean that they did not originate in Africa and that I am not an American. Again, no benefit to me when doing this one the census. I guess there is one benefit; F/<king with government demographers and statisticians.

How Fauxchaontas remains in high office is a ‘third worldish’ as Biden’s use of the FBI as hsi goon squad:

“Think about how crazy that is. Project Veritas sues the Times. The FBI then raids Project Veritas for an “unrelated” matter. Then memos protected by attorney-client privilege about that lawsuit are leaked to the Times, which then publishes some of them in an attempt to harm Project Veritas further. That’s enough corruption to make many third-world countries blush. And the Times apparently thought they could get away with it. That’s how brazen the leftwing media has become.

“Still, I’d opine that the biggest scandal here remains the DOJ/FBI leaking the documents in the first place. That is truly the epitome of the “deep state.” There is no justification for the FBI to be raiding the homes of Project Veritas journalists over Ashley Biden’s diary. That was clearly an attempt to try to protect Biden from the salacious accusations in it and nothing more. Yet, instead of stopping there, they then collected documents that had nothing to do with Ashley Biden’s diary and sent them over to their allies at the Times.

“As I’ve said before, the FBI needs to be burned to the ground. Its credibility can’t be saved at this point.”

Pasadena Peabody | December 24, 2021 at 7:32 pm

Warren claimed to be Native American to enhance her chances of advancement at Harvard. Biden claimed to be mentally competent to enhance his chances of advancement to the White House. Turns out Warren’s a fake Indian and Biden’s a dementia patient.

I keep seeing a misunderstanding of “privilege”.
Many years ago, I was informed by my DMV that driving is not a right but a privilege given to me by the state.
So, if I have “white privilege”, “black privilege” or what ever, it was given to me by somebody. So, as long as I am given it, I will graciously accept it.

Antifundamentalist | December 24, 2021 at 10:52 pm

Do they mean they are American Indian, or just they they were born American? I mean, if the Left can redefine Male and Female then who’s to say what any word means now?

UnCivilServant | December 25, 2021 at 2:01 pm

I am native american, and I have no blood relation to the precolumbian inhabitants of the region.

    messianicdruid in reply to UnCivilServant. | December 26, 2021 at 10:55 am

    I was born in Muskogee, during the last century, yet I am not allowed to call myself a “ native “ american. Native Oklahoman is ok. Native of a particular county is ok. Native of a particular city is ok. [ !? ]

T-shirt sighted in Oklahoma – “ I’m part white but I can’t prove it “.