Joy Reid Calls Florida “DeSantistan” Amid Media Meltdown Over Gov. Ron DeSantis Reestablishing State Guard

You know, if there was a formal battle to determine which political side had the tendency to pop off most often with the most insane knee-jerk (and wildly wrong) reactions to a news report, leftists would have hands down won the competition Friday on Twitter.

It all started not long after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held a press conference on Thursday where among other things he proposed reestablishing the Florida State Guard. During the presser, he stated that he would be requesting $3.5 million in the state budget to go towards the proposal and noted that the primary responsibilities of the 200 civilian members (volunteers) of the State Guard would be helping out the National Guard during emergency situations that required the state’s response like weather-related events.

The FSG was originally established in 1941 and was disbanded after World War II was over. DeSantis’s announcement was part of a larger one where he outlined his requests for millions in additional funding to beef up the National Guard.

Watch DeSantis discuss his rationale for wanting to reestablish the Florida State Guard below:

You’d think this wouldn’t be that big a deal considering some 22 other states also have State Guards on hand, including some blue states. But after CNN’s predictable framing of the report, the Usual Suspects on the left went absolutely bonkers, with some suggesting this was DeSantis’s way of forming a militia that the federal government would have no control over:

Got that? A “new civilian military force” even though one has previously existed in Florida and in fact still exists in other states, as noted above and below:

And the “that he would control” bit in the CNN headline was a nice touch, deliberately meant to unnecessarily frighten people and create a panic.

But even though “facts don’t care about your feelings,” as the famous Ben Shapiro quote goes, the were plenty of angry “feelings” expressed on the Twitter machine by the leftist outrage mobs, including from potential 2022 Democratic opponents Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried as well as other prominent Democrats with large followings but tiny minds:

SiriusXM host Dean Obeidallah:

This person lists himself as a “philosophy professor at Yale” just so you know the types of “intellectuals” on the left who are teaching your children:

This person proclaims to be a “lawyer”:

MSNBC “chief terrorism analyst” Malcolm Nance:

“Obama guy” and NY Daily News columnist Brandon Friedman:

Believe it or not, the dumdummery got so bad that left-wing comedian Sarah Silverman, who is not known for rushing to the defense of Republicans, even jumped on MSNBC’s resident left-wing conspiracy theorist Joy Reid for peddling false information:

Sadly, it didn’t help. Here was Reid Friday night along with Fried and another guest doing what she does best:

He’s not trying to create a “DeSantistan” by any means, but what DeSantis has done over the last year since Biden was sworn in is to try and make his state as independent as possible from the federal government and their notorious penchant for overreach. And judging by how the Biden administration has handled things over the last 11 months, many conservatives and independent-minded people would say DeSantis’s approach has been a necessary one.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: CNN, Florida, Joy Reid, Media Bias, Ron DeSantis