Andrew Cuomo Won’t Face Charges for Alleged Sexual Misconduct Against State Trooper
Acting Nassau County District Attorney Joyce Smith described the accusation as “credible, deeply troubling, but not criminal under New York law.”

Acting Nassau County District Attorney Joyce Smith announced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will not face charges for allegedly touching a state trooper at a racetrack in 2019:
Smith started investigating Cuomo after the incident appeared in state Attorney General Letitia James’s report detailing accusations against Cuomo from 11 women.
Cuomo resigned in August.
From The Associated Press:
According to James’ report, the trooper said Cuomo ran the palm of his left hand across her stomach, to her belly button and then to her right hip, where she kept her gun, while she held a door open for him as he left an event at Belmont Park on Sept. 23, 2019.
The trooper, a member of Cuomo’s security detail, told James’ investigators that Cuomo’s conduct made her feel “completely violated because to me, like that’s between my chest and my privates.”
James’ report said that although the trooper was upset by Cuomo’s unwanted touching, she did not feel she could do anything about it, telling investigators: “I felt completely violated. But, you know, I’m here to do a job.”
Smith described the accusation as “credible, deeply troubling, but not criminal under New York law.”
Smith could only investigate this accusation because it fell within her jurisdiction.
The state trooper made other accusations against Cuomo, but those happened in other places in New York.

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So groping isn’t illegal in NY?
The fix was in, maybe there should be a civil suit?
As George Carlin used to say.
It’s a big club. And you AINT IN IT.
Here’s Carlin doing the routine:
Having watched it again, it’s actually very troubling – for us.
Carlin makes the “owners” of the USA the boogeyman, but never defines them as they are now: Communist China.
McConnell’s ties to Communist China:
But the bottom line is: we ain’t in the club.
I don’t care if Mitch is giving the Politburo pedicures.
Yep, classic.
So we’ve established that Cuomo is not a ham sandwich.
“The legal term for a harmful or offensive touching without permission is battery. Battery is a criminal offense, and it can also be the basis of a civil lawsuit. The key element of battery is that the touching be unauthorized, not that it be intended to harm the person.”
Except, it seems, in New York, where battery is consolidated with assault, and assault requires actual harm.
If you think too much about it you get a headache.
Doesn’t everyone know that criminal laws do not apply to Democrat politicians? [end sarcasm]
Because of course not.
How woke of NY. The free grope for democrats state. Get woke-get groped. Female NY voters deserve it. They voted for it. Grope on NY democrats.
No time to go after a CUOMO they are too busy attacking Trump.
The man from planned parent/hood made the requisite sacrifices and is NOW granted immunity from #MeToo. It’s a big closet and Cuomo is in it.
No charges? Of course not. I expect Cuomo to skate on all of them, and then to be elected to the U.S. Senate, where he can be the (im)Moral Conscience of the Senate. Sort of like Ted Kennedy.