South Carolina, Montana School Boards Associations Split From NSBA Over ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Letter
Let me repeat myself: End the Department of Education and the NSBA and everything else goes with it.

Montana and South Carolina are the latest states to sever ties with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) after the latter’s letter asking Biden to investigate concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”
Louisiana, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania have already left the national group.
(Where are you, Oklahoma!?)
The South Carolina School Boards Association (SCSBA) said in its letter:
After careful deliberation, the Board voted to withdraw SCSBA’s membership from NSBA effective immediately and request a refund of SCSBA’s 2021-2022 membership dues. This decision was not made lightly.
Over the past few weeks, SCSBA leadership has carefully monitored NSBA’s actions, advocating and watching for a clear path forward and affirmative steps to address the damage done in relation to NSBA’s September 29 letter to President Joe Biden. SCSBA has kept you, our members, informed regarding our ongoing concerns with the September 29 letter. Aside from an October 22 letter of apology to state associations, NSBA has taken few steps to mitigate the negative impact of the letter on many states including South Carolina. On the whole, the Board felt it was in the best interest of SCSBA’s membership to sever ties with NSBA at once.
The Montana School Boards Association will leave on June 22, 2022:
Under the motion approved Monday, the MTBSA plans to work with other state associations to create a new national organization “to meet the federal advocacy and related needs of its member school boards” in a way that “values community ownership through school board governance” and engagement of students, families and community members.
Melton said the MTSBA reluctantly renewed its membership in the National School Boards Association in July.
The final straw was a letter written by the interim CEO and NSBA president in September asking President Joe Biden for federal law enforcement assistance to deal with threats of violence and intimidation over COVID-19 requirements at schools.
The states realize that local law enforcement can handle any disruptions. I understand that AG Garland and the NSBA have not provided a single specific example beyond “news reports” to justify siccing the FBI on concerned parents.

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Dems wanted to shake things up, It is going to be fun watching them implode. Disaster is coming, they asked for it.
When Texas, Alabama, Wyoming and Oklahoma leave they will start feeling the pain. Particularly when these school boards demand that the Feds stay out of their business or they will sue the DOJ/FBI criminal cabal for harassment.
Hah! No, you take a knee. Allegations of diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) must be well supported, and are not generally well-received by normal people… persons, and mom and dad will stand up to their political abuse (e.g. #MeToo #HerToo #TransToo). Not the least of which is the audacity of wielding a double-edged scalpel in an educational climate of progressive prices with progressive returns… that is rising and diminishing, respectively. Show me the [unadjusted] grades!
Rape and sodomy also did not win hearts, minds, and greenbacks in a build back better delusion for social progress and justice. Lose your religion and wicked solutions, too.
7 States have left the NSBA. The remaining 43 must leave.
Realistically, the most progressives stattes will remain. That means NY and CA will stay and likely MN, MA, RI and NJ will stay.
If you’re state sticks with NSBA – you know you are in an indoctrination state.