Rittenhouse Verdict Has Leftist Rioters Worried: “It fundamentally changed the culture of protest”

The 2020 antifa/BLM violent crime spree in Democrat-run cities across the nation was not just approved by but was championed by Democrat officials, some of whom dismissively noted that burning down buildings and looting businesses was “righteous” and besides, who cares, anyway, since the businesses are insured.

This blasé disregard for the livelihood of their minority and less-affluent constituents targeted by antifa/BLM didn’t stop with elitist shrugged shoulders and taking a knee in solidarity with the arsonists, vandals, looters, assailants, and murderers who rampaged in these cities; Democrat mayors and governors insisted that police stand down, that they let these criminals have free, destructive run of the cities, that law enforcement stand around to be assaulted by vicious street thugs throwing frozen water bottles (and worse) at them, blinding them for life with lasers, and smacking them in the head with whatever bricks they found on conveniently located, magically appearing pallets of bricks.

What the left doesn’t understand is that “abolishing” or “defunding” the police—or neutering police as Democrats  did during the burning, looting, and murder sprees of 2020—doesn’t lead to some leftist bully-fest (for normal Americans, a dystopian nightmare) in which leftist “mostly peaceful” arsonists, vandals, looters, and murderers rule the streets of American cities and towns.  The “whose streets, our streets” mantra is but one memorable chant from the summer of Democrat-colluded national destruction.

This is still America, much to their chagrin, and in the absence of police protection and intervention, the American people can and will protect themselves and their fellow citizens from lawless mobs bent on mayhem, violence, and destruction.

We saw this in Chicago where the Latin Kings and other Hispanic and Latino street gangs stepped up to protect their neighborhoods, and we saw this in Minneapolis where heroic black citizens coordinated a lawfully armed defense of their neighborhoods against the violent leftist mobs bent on destruction (yeah, oddly, they think they are defending against “white supremacists,” but however mislead by leftist propaganda, they did the right thing for the right reasons, even if against the wrong perp–no “white supremacist” burned Minneapolis or any other city, that was all the Democrats and their team).

If you watch the Washington Post video report on black Minneapolis’ residents rightly organizing to protect their neighborhoods while legally armed, you will see strong, organized, and determined people who reject the destruction being wrought in their neighborhoods.  Sadly, you will also see citizens who have no other recourse but to protect their neighborhood in the absence of a viable police presence because police have been told to stand down by Democrat officials.

Progressives apparently think that pulling police will just loose the mobs on a cowed and terrorized American populace, but that is not what happens.  The Latin Kings, the heroic citizens of Minneapolis, and the heroic citizens who defended Kenosha prove that faced with a lawless vacuum, the lawful will step into the breach.

Okay, so maybe the Latin Kings allegedly aren’t exactly lawful all of the time, but they did the right thing here, the only thing they could, to protect their neighborhood.  And they were successful.  Their neighborhoods were kept safe, avoided like the plague by the antifa pukes and BLM mobs who sought to destroy it.  Ditto Minneapolis; those legally armed citizens kept their neighborhood safe when no one else, not their elected officials and not their police (on elected officials’ orders) would.  That is good work.

Indeed, on Sunday, presumably legally-armed BLM protesters acted as citizen security for a socialist protest against the Rittenhouse verdict.  The armed persons reportedly . . . wait for it . . . drove across state lines (gasp!) from Illinois to offer protection to the (actually) peaceful protesters.  Yeah, you’re not going to hear about this from the Democrat propagandist media.  You’re also not going to hear that seeing guns lawfully open-carried makes the Second Amendment-supporting right’s heart sing.

Democrats and the left despise this kind of thing, though, unless it’s “their side” doing the lawful open carry.  As we saw with the year-long defamation of Kyle Rittenhouse, they think that rioters, arsonists, looters, vandals, assailants, and murderers should just run free when the police are told to stand down.

If they can’t do that, if they can’t destroy with complete protection (up to and including bail funds promoted by Kamala Harris) and without any citizen daring to stand up to them, then what’s the point?

Bullies and tyrants need fear to control the unwashed masses.  The left started instilling that fear when the McCloskeys were charged with felonies for simply standing, armed, on their own porch as antifa-BLM mobs allegedly illegally broke into their property and allegedly threatened to kill them (and their dog) and to burn down their house.

The message was clear: you cannot defend yourself from the violent leftist mob; indeed, while you might be beaten to within an inch of your life or outright killed, your life is essentially over because we will bankrupt you, smear your name, and destroy your life.  Submit.

And then Kyle Rittenhouse happened.  The same laws that allow lawfully-armed black residents to patrol their neighborhoods, with the gushing approval of WaPo (and me), apply to white guys?  Go figure.

As odd as it seems, that is where we are.  The usual leftist suspects are blah blah blah’ing white supremacy and systemic racism because they don’t yet understand that is ridiculous nonsense that will never win them a single new vote and will likely lose them formerly reliable voters.

More interesting, I think, is Politico’s point about what is really at stake for the lunatic left: their ability to intimidate Americans into submission (archive link).

The Kyle Rittenhouse case, while not overtly about race, lay bare the imbalances and imperfections of the judicial system. But it also did something else, legal scholars say: It fundamentally changed the culture of protest.Rittenhouse’s acquittal, scholars say, sends a signal to those who want to take up arms to defend property or attend politically or racially charged events: There is legal ground for you to use your weapon. Just claim fear.

The “just claim fear” thing is crap, of course, but the larger point, the one that has well and truly triggered the left is that any old citizen can lawfully defend themselves in these United States.

Other leftist outlets are also sounding the alarm. The leftist New York Times bemoans that Rittenhouse’s “acquittal has reinvigorated support on the right for armed responses to racial justice protests and unrest.”

The Daily Beast is even more clear in expressing its fear that the left’s whole antifa/BLM thugs subjugating Americans to their throwback 1930’s dream of populace domination is over with a headline blasting that “Rittenhouse just killed our right to peacefully protest.”

Marvel at the crazy:

We’ve now lost our guaranteed First Amendment right to peacefully assemble to a half-cocked, cocaine-cowboy version of the Second Amendment. Mix that together with a witch’s brew of right-wing propaganda and white power, and the result is that any time you march for your rights you have to accept that any dimestore Kyle Rittenhouse can point a weapon of war at you and pull the trigger.Only in America.

Obviously nearly every word of this hyperbolic, lie-infested nonsense is hyperbolic, lie-infested nonsense.  But this is what the left actually thinks, what they actually believe in their three-sizes too small heart of hearts.

They are blasting the Rittenhouse verdict because they firmly believe that it’s dangerous to their “cause” for Americans abandoned by their elected officials and law enforcement to defend themselves, their property, and their community from their burning, looting, and murdering mobs.

Like foot-stompy children, the left is actually angry because their inability to think critically, to see two beats past that feel-good moment, has exposed their myopic, self-serving, America-destroying agenda.  Remove or incapacitate police, and yes, Americans can and will step up to lawfully fill that vacuum.  Who couldn’t see that coming?

Oh, right.

Tags: Kyle Rittenhouse, Media Bias