Make no mistake about it, Glenn Youngkin’s defeat of Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia Governors race, almost unthinkable just a couple of months ago, was a revolt over education and whether children belong to their parents or to leftist educational activists.
There were other important issues, like Biden’s mishandling of the economy, but education was where the energy was. And that energy was centered around parents objecting to the racialization of education.
The parents protest movement has erupted in many parts of the nation, even in deep deep blue Rhode Island. Nowhere was the intensity of this parents revolution more intense than in Loudoun County in Virginia, with a seemingly endless series of stories dominating the national news. McAuliffe won Loudoun County by about 10 points, Biden won a year ago by 25 points.
Parents around the country have run headlong into battle with the ‘progressive’ educational bureaucracy and teachers unions. The National School Board Association tried to sic the FBI on parents, comparing them to “domestic terrorists,” and Attorney General Merrick Garland was happy to oblige; rather than crushing parents, it energized them. That energy will be put to the test moving forward, as virtually every major institution from education to entertainment to sports to medicine to law to major corporations has been hollowed out, but for this day Virginia has shown parents what is possible.
What is happening is nothing short of a parents revolution that cuts across political divides. It’s the ultimate cross-over movement, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-party. It’s a true rainbow coalition of parents, contrary to the mainstream media and Democrat attempt to portray it as a white supremacy movement — it’s a parental supremacy movement.
Guess what, parents don’t like their children being taught that they are born oppressors or born victims, they don’t like the obsessive focus on skin color. Parents don’t want their kids taught to hate their country. Parents don’t like Critical Race Theory or its variants, which are now toxic politically. Parents in Virginia just told woke educators and the policitians who support them to take their privilege wheels and shove them.
Parents particularly don’t like school bureaucracies that cover up rapes because it would be inconvenient to the woke agenda. And parents don’t like being told “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
Parents want to retake control of their children’s educations from the far left educational infrastructure and the teachers unions. It’s the civil rights issue of our time. Democrats who don’t run from Critical Race Theory and its variants will be swept away, even in blue Virginia.