National Border Patrol Council President: Border Security Facing ‘Biggest Crisis’ Ever

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd unleashed his anger on Biden on Fox News Live over the border crisis:

“Any time we release people into the United States pending a hearing that they’re [illegal immigrants] not going to show up to, we’re going to have tons of people cross our borders illegally,” Judd told “Fox News Live” on Sunday.”It’s that magnet that draws people here and as long as that magnet exists, people are going to continue to come.””If we hold people in custody, pending a deportation or asylum hearing, people stop coming,” he continued. “That was proven under the migrant protection protocols.”Judd then explained that the Biden administration “unfortunately did away with everything that President Trump did that was in fact beneficial to border security,” and, resultantly, opened the floodgates. “Now we’re in the biggest crisis we’ve ever seen as far as border security goes,” Judd asserted.

Judd also accused Biden of hiding information from Americans. He brought up the alleged $450,000 payments given to those separated from their families because Biden denied the report and lashed out at Fox News’ Peter Doocy for asking the “garbage” question.

Then a senior advisor insisted Biden is “in the loop” while the president decided to support the payments.

Judd demanded transparency:

“The dollar amount might be a little bit different, but the fact remains, they are in discussions for payments to these families and President Biden could have come out and he could have told the American public that and he didn’t,” Judd argued on Sunday.He went on to say that he’s “concerned with anything that this administration says right now simply because they haven’t been forthcoming.”Judd said that that the administration has not disclosed how many people are being released into the United States, how many people are crossing the border illegally, or how many of those who are taken into custody have criminal records.”They’re not forthcoming with the American public and the American public has a right to know exactly what is happening — and until this administration is in fact forthcoming with all these things, we have reason to be skeptical on anything that they tell us as it pertains to border security,” Judd argued.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis