Gov. DeSantis Slams Biden Admin Over Illegal “Dumped” In Florida And Alleged To Commit Murder

This story is pretty disturbing. A 23-year-old illegal alien crossed the border posing as a “child,” claiming to be a teenager. So he was shipped off to Florida and taken in by a well-meaning citizen. Ultimately, this illegal slaughtered the man who took him in.

The alleged offender was not in any way vetted by the Biden admin.

This is a heart-breaking story on any level. A good man attempting to help his fellow humans was allegedly mindlessly and heartlessly murdered by the very person he sought to help achieve the American Dream.

In the meantime, Joe Biden is dumping the disgrace of his failed presidency into Florida via hundreds of “stealth midnight flights.”

The Epoch Times reports:

Florida’s newly appointed public safety czar says he is frustrated with the Biden administration’s border policies and the fact that hundreds of illegals are being “dumped” onto Florida soil.Larry Keefe says the illegal aliens are a burden to taxpayers and, if they commit crimes, to state and local law enforcement.Keefe was appointed in September as Florida’s public safety czar. He told The Epoch Times that the federal government is flouting the law and is “making immigration policies because they couldn’t enact them legislatively.”He said there is not an “official count”, but more than 70 private charter flights have been reported coming into the Jacksonville airport with at least 36 passengers aboard each flight.“This is not haphazard that these people are coming here this way,” Keefe said. “This is a precision, military-like operation where they are coming in a covert and clandestine way.”Keefe said that the flights land “in the middle of the night” and the people are met by “handlers” who escort the unaccompanied minors on to chartered buses and are “dispersed throughout the I-10 and I-95 corridor and go as far down as Miami.”“This number [70] is what we currently know, not counting what we don’t. It’s very frustrating,” he said. “Because only the feds can take action against immigration.”Keefe said he is trying very hard not to call this an “investigation”, because immigration is a federal act not a state one, but the federal government leaves the states no choice but to “defend and protect themselves.”He said that he is “receiving reports” and cannot open an investigation until “you have proof of a crime.”It is Keefe’s belief that Jacksonville was not randomly chosen, but targeted because of its central location and its close proximity to the two interstate systems.“These flights are “secret and stealth” and the state of Florida has no warning that they (illegal immigrants) are being resettled here, because private non-profit, sometimes religious agencies, are being utilized—and are paid in grants funded by the federal government—to take the immigrants and resettle them throughout the state of Florida,” he said.The governor’s press secretary, Christina Pushaw, estimated that border patrol agents have encountered approximately 1.7 million illegal aliens this year.“Border patrol is overwhelmed,” Pushaw told The Epoch Times. “There is no effective vetting as to who these people are coming into our country.”

Everything the Biden administration is doing is wrong. Biden wants Americans who don’t toe his tyrannical, unconstitutional line to be fired from their jobs and ineligible for unemployment benefits, but he’s letting millions of illegals into America without so much as a WuFlu test, let alone application of a vaccine mandate.

After the murder of a Florida citizen at the hands of one of Biden’s criminal catch and releases, Governor DeSantis is having none of it.

Most immigrants are coming to America for a chance at the American Dream, but they have a clear understanding of how Democrats are hell-bent on killing that. It’s no wonder Hispanic and Latino Americans are breaking right, breaking for freedom, breaking for the American Dream the left is desperate to kill.

Biden’s open borders policy is a national security threat to our entire nation, and it’s not even “worth it” for Dems who are losing the Hispanic vote by the droves due to their insane policies that nullify the very reason these people flee to America.

Who ever tried to beat down the Berlin Wall in order to get inside and scoop up the poverty, want, and deprivation? Oh, right, pretty much no one.

If people are willing to float on make-shift boats (even on doors) to get to the U.S., you can bet that the very last thing they will support once here is the tyrannical commie crazy that destroyed their home countries and from which they fled.

They came here for freedom, for liberty, for the American Dream. So yeah, they are going to vote with the only American party that promises to stand firm, that will protect their freedoms, that will support accomplishment and hard work over the Democrats’ racist “equity” claptrap that is designed to destroy not just America but the American Dream.

And of course they will stand against a Biden administration that is so inept it cannot provide background or vet illegals before shipping them off to unsuspecting American communities.

When these unvetted illegals commit crimes, the Biden admin pretends it’s okay. It’s not. And DeSantis is leading the charge in condemning the Biden lack of concern for American citizens, the privileging of illegals over Americans, the shrug, gee, let’s break a few eggs here, what’s a few dozen Americans raped and slaughtered for the Greater Good? They were just white people anyway.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Critical Race Theory, Florida, Ron DeSantis