FBI Arrests Russian Analyst Igor Danchenko, an Alleged Key Source for Steele’s Dossier

The FBI has arrested Russia analyst Igor Dochenko for allegedly lying to the agency about information sources he helped bring together for Christopher Steele’s infamous dossier.

The Democrats used the dossier as proof that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election in 2016.

Special Counsel John Durham has been investigating the origins of that probe.

The 39-page indictment accuses Danchenko of lying about his Russian contacts and travels to the country. The interviews took place between January and November 2017. It also indicates Steele used him as a primary source:

The March 16, 2017, May 18, 2017, Oct. 24, 2017, and Nov. 16, 2017, counts involve statements made by Danchenko on those dates to FBI agents regarding information he “purportedly had received from an anonymous caller who he believed to be a particular individual, when in truth and in fact he knew that was untrue,” Durham’s office said Thursday.”The information purportedly conveyed by the anonymous caller included the allegation that there were communications ongoing between the Trump campaign and Russian officials and that the caller had indicated the Kremlin might be of help in getting Trump elected,” Durham’s office said in a statement.”The Special Counsel’s investigation is ongoing,” Durham’s office said.

“Company Reports” in the indictment refers to Trump’s supposed ties to Russia:

The Democratic Party paid for Steele’s research. A lot of the dossier has been unverified.

Danchenko is a Russian citizen but lives in the U.S. legally.

US v Igor Danchenko by Legal Insurrection on Scribd

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Democrats, FBI, John Durham, Trump Russia