California’s COVID-19 Case Rate Is Now Twice Florida’s
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California’s COVID-19 Case Rate Is Now Twice Florida’s

California’s COVID-19 Case Rate Is Now Twice Florida’s

California’s rate is also currently much higher than that of Southern states that did not implement mask and vaccine mandates

Just ahead of the recall election that he survived, Gov. Gavin Newsom boasted that California “continues to lead the nation” as the only state to reach the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s yellow “moderate” tier of community virus transmission. Meanwhile, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis was getting a media pounding for his state’s case rate.

Now California’s case rate is twice that of the Sunshine State’s.

COVID-19 cases are not falling in California anymore. They have climbed back up to the CDC’s blood-red “high” level of virus transmission as the highly contagious delta variant continues to wreak havoc.

Meanwhile, the virus has gone quiet in Deep South states that abandoned mask orders, opposed vaccine mandates, posted lower vaccination rates and saw larger outbreaks over the summer. California’s case rate is now well above Texas’ and double Florida’s, which along with the rest of the Gulf Coast are down to the CDC’s orange “substantial” transmission level.

“There are early indications that the decline in the delta surge at the national level in the U.S. has ended,” said Ali H. Mokdad, professor of health metrics sciences at the University of Washington, which runs a widely followed model projecting the course of the pandemic. Currently, 19 states have increasing transmission, including several such as California “that had previously appeared to have been declining.”

California’s rate is also currently much higher than that of Southern states that did not implement mask and vaccine mandates and reported lower vaccination rates.

According to the “experts,” California is a victim of its own success.

Experts say California is “paying” for its success at controlling the spread of the virus earlier with higher infection rates now.

California saw fewer coronavirus infections over the summer than states with lower vaccination rates as the Delta variant rapidly spread in unvaccinated communities.

But those who were infected now have immunity, meaning there are fewer people spreading the virus.

“These regions are now being partly protected by high prior infection rates,” Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of the medical department at the University of California-San Francisco, recently told The Mercury News. “But these people whose immunity comes from COVID are not very well protected, and their immunity will wane with time.”

Ali H. Mokdad, a professor of health metrics at the University of Washington, added: “You’re paying for your success, which is weird.”

Mokdad explained that states that saw large outbreaks over the summer are doing better now because the combination of infections and vaccinations have left fewer people at risk of contracting the virus.

Meanwhile, Newsom recently received his booster shot….the dropped out of sight for over a week. Assurances are being given that the disappearance is related to a family matter.

It’s rare, but not unprecedented, for Newsom to go a whole week without some type of appearance. Such absences are usually explained, including when Newsom leaves the state for vacation.

In this case, the only statement from Newsom’s office came Oct. 29 and referred to unspecified family obligations. No additional information about the family’s circumstances has been released.

It’s a relatively slow time in Sacramento as the state Legislature is not in session and won’t meet again until January. Recent storms mean no major wildfires are burning out of control, as has been the case in recent years.

Apparently he resurfaced briefly at the elitist, unmasked and un-socially distanced, revoltingly ostentatious Getty wedding.

I wish Newsom well. I also hope that he focuses on the distribution of inexpensive and effective treatments for COVID-19, as it is clear we will be continuing the cycles of infection for a while longer.


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2smartforlibs | November 9, 2021 at 3:01 pm

Let’s ask the people why that is?? Oh, we can’t they are locked down.

Covid death rate for individuals over age 65 per 100k over

Florida 1,010
colorado 1,180
michigan 940
minnesota 1,250
california 1,420
massachucetts 940

Florida is actually doing much better


To a Democrat – it just means we need tighter restrictions.

1. Wear 2 or 3 masks.
2. Vaccinate babies as soon as their born.
3. Quarantine Republicans – especially republican reporters who report these unfavorable stats.

People who are vulnerable should wear, not masks (i.e. random effect, at best, no source control), but respirators (e.g. N95), protective clothing, and follow strict protocol. If necessary, they should isolate and be aided by individuals who have seroconverted, preferably through natural immunity that is on the science both more robust and durable. People who exhibit symptoms of infection should receive treatment early to aid natural function and mitigate disease progression. Everyone can make better choices about their personal health (e.g. nutrition) that mitigates their risk.

Antihistamines and azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19 on primary health care – A retrospective observational study in elderly patients

Planned Parent/hood was neither a good nor exclusive Choice.

Wow, it’s almost as if these viruses follow a pattern. First they are hard hitting but less virulent then they adapt to become more transmissible but less deadly. Is it possible that in States where the leadership didn’t lockdown during the spread of the less deadly, more transmissible variant the exposure allowed folks to develop naturally acquired immunity? Has anyone else thought of this? /S

Joking aside, for anyone to state that natural immunity isn’t durable or effective is completely dishonest. Especially considering the push for booster vax at 6 month intervals. Fortunately more and more folks are becoming aware of the facts. The high profile post vax infections and deaths along with the current decoupling of correlation between high vax rates/mask mandates and low case/hospital/death rates. WI just reported nearly 40% of Covid deaths as among the fully vaxed as one of a growing list of State/National examples that the vax and masks are definitely not a panacea for Covid, no matter how loudly the authoritarians invoke their incantations.

    Tom Morrow in reply to CommoChief. | November 10, 2021 at 11:27 am

    The problem with the lockdowns, aside from destroying the economy and ruining peoples’ lives, was that its only effect was to DELAY the spread of the virus. It never could stop it, just delay how fast it went through the population – something it was always going to do.

    So, the intelligent, rational and scientific thing to do was protect the most vulnerable – seniors and people with comorbidity issues – and let the rest of the population continue living.

    The push for children to get vaccinated is the most absurd thing yet – they have been less affected by COVID than they are affected by annual flu seasons.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Tom Morrow. | November 11, 2021 at 8:10 am

      It was said last year that lockdowns are letting it rip on the installment plan. It is so true. And since the virus is evolving to become worse, since it spreads presymptomatically through high viral loads, delay is actually counterproductive.

The lie repeated is now accepted.

There has yet to be evidence provided that the SARS-CoVid-2 virus exists – it has never been isolated or properly sequenced. All the evidence is circumstantial and computer models and CGI.

The RT-PCR test is not a diagnostic test; it was created to facilitate laboratory investigations and experimentation. To the extent the RT-PCR test identifies a corona-virus it is finding SARS-CoVid from 2003 (as that virus was isolated and sequenced); and at that the RT-PCR test delivers a unreliably high percentage of false positives. At home antigen tests are of little value.

Annual reporting indicates that the “flu” (pick a strain) has ceased to exist; what could be the reason for that ?

Italy during this last week report revised CoVid-19 deaths down 97%+ from what was previously reported. …

The lie continues and without realizing their acceptance the masses believe it because it has been repeated now for 22 months, and the facts are boring.

India already has manufacturers up and running with blister packs of early outpatient treatment.

How about those testing facilities send people home with those? They’re cheap, and as India already has shown, very effective.

If within the next three weeks there is a massive die-out of Getty family members from COVID, we’ll finally know who is to blame.

There is a serious concern that the booster shot for Newsom had significant side-effects.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to alaskabob. | November 11, 2021 at 8:08 am

    Or maybe he got injected by an incompetent vaccinator. I know of someone who was injured by an injection at CVS that was administered incorrectly – injected into a joint instead of muscle.

A virus is gonna virus. It will spread under its own dynamics, which depend on weather, seasonality, human behavior, and random chance. COVID burned through FL pretty well, and CA managed to delay it slightly with insane policies. Now the weather is getting cooler in CA and the virus has picked up. It will burn through all the susceptible people it can find and it will eventually mutate enough to reinfect everyone who has already had it and/or been vaccinated. There will probably be another big wave in the Northeast this winter and in FL next summer. It will keep doing this for years until the population has built up enough immunity to multiple versions so that we don’t even notice it anymore.