Biden Admin Reportedly Looking For WH Spot For Terry McAuliffe After He Lost State Biden Won By 10 Points

No, it’s not the Bee. The Biden administration is reportedly actually looking for a cushy landing for Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe just over a week after McAuliffe single-handedly lost by two points a state Biden won only a year ago by ten points. How seriously, deeply, horrifically bad do you have to be to manage that as Democrat in a state that’s been trending blue for at least a decade?

Not so bad that Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden won’t grab you up in a bear hug, sniff your hair, and welcome your desiccated, has-been corpse to the Great Green New Deal Reset commiepalooza.

The New York Post reports:

The Biden administration is searching for a job to give Terry McAuliffe following his defeat in the race to be Virginia governor last week, according to a new report.Punchbowl News reported Thursday that White House officials are looking to place the former Democratic National Committee chair somewhere in the hierarchy. The report cited “multiple high-level sources familiar with the White House’s thinking.”It is unclear what position McAuliffe would hold, but the report noted that he is not actively seeking work in the administration.

I have to go with Ed Morrissey over at HotAir,who writes:

So Biden’s going out of his way to hire the one Democrat to lose an election Republican for statewide office in over a decade, eh? That’s an odd decision in itself, but it’s the manner in which he lost it that should have the White House imposing a ten-foot-pole policy for The Macker, as Punchbowl calls him. McAuliffe infuriated parents across the state — and even in Democratic bastions like Fairfax and Loudoun counties — with his insistence that parents should stay out of curricula decisions for their children. If nothing else, the fact that McAuliffe invited Randi Weingarten to give the final pitch in the campaign should disqualify McAuliffe for any serious political position.Instead, Biden wants to go out of his way to embrace that sneering incompetence. The White House couldn’t pick a better way to explore just how low Biden’s approval ratings could get.

With Biden’s approvals sinking into the 30s already in some polls, it will indeed be interesting to see just how low they can go. As I’ve noted to our LI newsletter subscribers, Biden, unlike Obama (or Trump), has no base. There is not one person (well, excluding his family. Maybe.) in this entire nation who is a proud, Biden flag-waving supporter. Therefore, he has no rock bottom. His numbers can go all the way down to the teens. Maybe lower.

So why on earth would a flailing, deeply unpopular administration double-down on failure with McAuliffe?  We shouldn’t be surprised given the lack of accountability following the Afghanistan debacle. Even top tier generals didn’t have the honor to resign after they bungled the entire withdrawal and through their weakness and malfeasance got 13 service members killed.

But this McAuliffe move isn’t defiantly protecting your picks past their sell by date (a thing, to be fair, President Trump also got wrong all too often), this is picking a loser, a rotting corpse of an apple, and tossing it on your already rotting barrel of an administration.

It makes no sense.

And then I begin to wonder why they aren’t worried, why they think these absolutely suicidal moves are totes fine, why they are confident that they can spit in the eye of concerned parents across these fruited plains without a qualm. Politicians don’t do that, politicians adjust and re-calibrate to the will of the people (Bill Clinton’s “triangulation” comes to mind) because they want to win, to hold office, to keep power.

Contrast that “old school” thinking with today’s Democrats who are losing political office from dog catcher up, yet smugly hold themselves in privileged positions of power.

Democrats, thanks initially in large part to Obama and a trend that has continued apace since he left office, have lost control of the majority of states, they are unlikely to keep control of the House (and/or the Senate?) in 2022, yet they behave—and recruit political albatrosses like McAuliffe—as if they have real power.  Do they know something we don’t?

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Virginia