Alan Dershowitz Warns the Justice System is Being Infected by Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory
“People today are rooting, cheering for verdicts. They want verdicts to reflect their narrative.”

Professor Alan Dershowitz recently gave an interview to John Solomon of Just the News and claimed that America’s justice system is being infected with the radical ideology of Critical Race Theory, not unlike what’s happening in education.
After watching the left’s reaction to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it’s impossible to disagree.
John Solomon wrote about their discussion at Just the News:
Alan Dershowitz’s stark warning: Justice system becoming infected by critical race theory
Alan Dershowitz, the famed law scholar and appellate lawyer, has a stark warning for judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers: America’s justice system is being corrupted by identity politics and critical race theory.
In an interview with Just the News, Dershowitz deplored the growing trend in recent criminal cases toward political agendas supplanting the neutral consideration of evidence and law that has been the lifeblood of U.S. jurisprudence for more than two centuries.
“It’s becoming much more responsive, unfortunately, to critical race theory, basically, everything’s about race,” Dershowitz told the John Solomon Reports podcast in an interview aired this week. “Everything’s about race or politics.
“The justice system has stopped being about is this particular person innocent or guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the evidence and based on the law. People today are rooting, cheering for verdicts. They want verdicts to reflect their narrative. They want verdicts to prove their way of looking at the world. Trials and justice have ceased to be about individual justice. They’re about identity politics.”
According to Dershowitz, the George Floyd case was the turning point:
Dershowitz said the aftermath of the George Floyd tragedy in Minneapolis created a tipping point where racial activists and woke ideologues have forced discussions ranging from education to business to be centered solely on race.
“I’m 83 years old, and I will never live to see or return to the days when we follow Martin Luther King’s quest dream,” Dershowitz lamented. “He dreamt of the time when his children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character. That’s not going to happen.
You can listen to the interview below:
The left is advancing this ideology in every aspect of our lives, and they won’t stop until it hurts them politically.

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Ya think? Always a few years late to the party, Alan.
Indeed. Ripped straight from the pages of No Shit, Sherlock? magazine!
You have to understand, Dershowitz is still “evolving.” For years, he served on the board of the the ACLU during it’s “second amendment doesn’t exist” phase, when it was starting to create the warped, totalitarian government we have now. Now he roundly and often criticizes the new, woke ACLU, but it’s too late.
It’s a burden to realize, in the words of the X-Files production trailer, that “I made this!”
I think that Professor Dershowitz saw and wrote about the rise of identity politics years ago and has been looked as a traitor to his class for defending unpopular clients Israel Trump and voicing his views without fear of retribution
We already have a two tier justice system. Is Alan predicting something worse?
Yes. He’s predicting a justice system where your guilt is determined by your skin color and political beliefs.
At least in the two tier justice system, as bad as it is, you had a chance. In the CRT justice system being alive is proof of your guilt.
I’m already guilty as a conservative. Can they find me quadruple guilty because I’m an old white male. I’m completely disgusted with the legal system. I can’t get more disgusted.
“I can’t get more disgusted….”
We’re not even close to how bad it’s going to get.
Identity politics and Critical Racists’ Theory presumes diversity (i.e. color judgment) that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs (e.g. “people of color”), color quotas (e.g. Jew privilege), and affirmative discrimination. It ‘s a Pro-Choice religious dogma, a progressive path and grade.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
This is what happens when objectivity is declared racist.
What we are seeing is a devolution of our justice and legal system to something that existed throughout the world in the year 50,000 BC.
And it isn’t only our justice and legal system that is devolving into a pre-Enlightenment and primitive prehistoric form.
It’s all about power – and a way to grab it unlawfully. That’s all this is. Racism, shayism – it’s just a ruse to grab power and keep it forever.
It didn’t start with Chauvin. Six years ago, also in Hennepin County, Allen Scarsella was convicted of defending himself against a mob of violent blacks who attacked him and his friends with deadly force, and even knocking out his friend’s tooth before Scarsella opened fire.
Even the more recent conviction of Mike Strickland stinks on this level. His case started the roll where Antifa began to believe they were immune to self-defense. This is why they got so enraged over the Rittenhouse verdict.
Many Germans felt this way prior to 1939.
To be fair, diversity [dogma] has progressed from an epidemic to pandemic condition (PC) in an Antievo mode.
I disagree with Dershowitz on a lot of issues, but I have to give him high praise for intellectual honesty and integrity. It would have been so much easier and profitable for him to just get on board the woke bandwagon.
The legal system adopting the ancient ritual of scapegoating, what could go wrong?
We have a social schism in America driven full-time by a party that believes, from its unemployed leeches all the way up to its corrupt billionaires in Washington, that if they do not win every, single political skirmish or own every, single political issue, they are entitled to change any rule, any protection, any right they wish to ensure that they win next time. Their leaders are frustrated not to be absolute monarchs, and they intend to be absolute monarchs.
It’s called stealing.
Prof. Dershowitz is correct. People, who did not sit through the trial and hear all of the witnesses plus the jury instructions, should think very hard before openly criticizing any jury verdict. All of this noise (particularly on the media) is just undermining the current criminal justice system.
I saw this happening in law school – and that was 35 years ago.