Web Design Class at U. Central Florida Uses Pro-Bernie and Socialism Page for Class Assignment
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Web Design Class at U. Central Florida Uses Pro-Bernie and Socialism Page for Class Assignment

Web Design Class at U. Central Florida Uses Pro-Bernie and Socialism Page for Class Assignment

“Socialism is a political movement founded on the idea that a just society equitably distributes resources to all citizens”

The left is using education for indoctrination. This is why people like Bernie want college to be free.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE: Web design class goes lefty with ‘The Social(ism) Hour’

Rachel Winter teaches “Front-End Web Design” at the University of Central Florida, a class which uses a pro-socialism Bernie Sanders webpage as a class example for an assignment.

Campus Reform spoke with a student at UCF who wished to remain anonymous and obtained a screenshot of the example of the page in question, which was used to show students how to add CSS to an HTML webpage they had already designed.

The webpage, “The Social(ism) Hour,” which Winter, a PhD candidate at the university, features a raised fist, a definition of socialism, and a description of the political philosophy of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“Socialism is a political movement founded on the idea that a just society equitably distributes resources to all citizens,” the webpage reads.

The page also explains the beliefs held by socialists.

“There are three key tenets of socialism, namely: support for the creation of an egalitarian society, valuation of cooperation and unity, and belief in the ability of humans to work together for a greater purpose.”

The student told Campus Reform, “I’m not a very political person but this is pretty uncomfortable, especially in a web design course.”


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Use the time to learn how to use CSS to popup mouse-over windows with dissenting arguments and citations.
Or if class time is too short, hilarious clown images and cartoon noises.

    rscalzo in reply to henrybowman. | October 29, 2021 at 8:58 am

    Seriously..is that an actual school or a fifth level diploma will in trailers?

      rscalzo in reply to rscalzo. | October 29, 2021 at 9:03 am

      On a serious note one teacher who is probably a part time adjunct that lives in a basement. Wouldn’t be the first loon to push their own bs.

      Sure these people are busting their ass to get an education so someone can give it all away.

    I recommend the Eric Swawell “passing gas” moment.

Antifundamentalist | October 29, 2021 at 9:55 am

They forgot part of the definition: ‘…..with the ruling class and their favorites receiving the majority of the prosperity, while leaving the remaining citizens to share in abject poverty.”