‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Will Allow Title X Money to Fund Abortion-Referring Clinics

Our devout Catholic president Biden reversed former President Donald Trump’s decision to block Title X money from funding abortion-referring clinics.

Please note the sarcasm. One of the oldest parts of the Catechism condemns abortion. No Catholic can support abortion or the death penalty.

The reversal means Planned Parenthood and other clinics providing abortions will receive your tax money. From The Catholic News Agency:

In a final rule announced on Monday, clinics participating in the Title X family planning program – which funds contraceptives and family planning services for low-income communities – can once again refer for abortions, and do not have to be physically separate from abortion facilities.In 2019, the Trump administration had required Title X recipients to not refer for abortions, nor could clinic recipients be co-located with abortion facilities.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said: “Today more than ever, we are making clear that access to quality family planning care includes accurate information and referrals — based on a patient’s needs and direction.”

However, the language states “the funds cannot directly pay for abortions.”

That part of the new rule ticked off Planned Parenthood:

Planned Parenthood Action added that the new rule included “disappointing language allowing providers to refuse to counsel/refer patients for abortions due to their own personal beliefs.”The rule states that “objecting individuals and grantees will not be required to counsel or refer for abortions” in the program.Under the text of the final rule, Title X recipients can provide abortion referrals but “may not take further affirmative action” such as transporting the patient to an abortion clinic. They may also “be a dues paying participant in a national abortion advocacy organization, so long as there are other legitimate program-related reasons for the affiliation.”

I call bull crap.

You know Planned Parenthood and other infanticide clinics will find a way around the rule.

Tags: Abortion, Joe Biden, Planned Parenthood