Condoleezza Rice Schools the Ladies of ‘The View’ on Critical Race Theory

Former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, appeared on ‘The View’ this week and pushed back on the leftist narrative of Critical Race Theory in education.

Rice is a very intelligent woman, but she sounds like a straight-up genius debating the likes of Joy Behar.

Whoopi Goldberg introduces the topic by noting that it has become an issue in the race for governor in Virginia. Joy Behar then quickly steps in trying to justify the teaching of CRT in schools. She claims that she was once a teacher and implies that parents don’t know how teaching works, but she does.

Joy Behar then makes another stupid point, claiming that some parents don’t want the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ taught in schools. Wrong again, Joy. It is the progressive left that wants to cancel that book.

When Condoleezza Rice is finally allowed to speak, she tells the story of growing up in the segregated south but explains that her parents always told her she could do whatever she wanted with her life.

She goes on to explain how CRT is backwards and blames innocent children for the sins of the past.

Even so, the hosts keep making the false claim that somewhere in America, people are trying to prevent slavery from being taught in schools.

Brandon Gillespie of FOX News has more details:

Condoleezza Rice denounces critical race theory: ‘I don’t have to make White kids feel bad for being White’Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday denounced the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in schools, declaring that Black children could be completely empowered without making White children feel bad for their race.During a guest host appearance on ABC’s “The View,” Rice, the first Black woman to head the State Department, cited her experience growing up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, as she argued that young children didn’t need to be taught CRT and parents needed to have a say in their children’s education.”I’m not certain seven-year-olds need to learn it,” Rice said as co-host Whoopi Goldberg referenced the debate over the teaching of CRT and how big a voice parents should have in the education of their children…”My parents never thought I was going to grow up in a world without prejudice, but they also told me, ‘That’s somebody else’s problem, not yours. You’re going to overcome it and you are going to be anything you want to be,'” Rice said. “That’s the message that I think we ought to be sending to kids.”…”I would like Black kids to be completely empowered, to know that they are beautiful in their blackness, but in order to do that I don’t have to make White kids feel bad for being White,” she said.

Watch the segment below:

You may not be interested in ‘The View,’ but they wield real influence. This moment is a reminder that they are often wrong or misguided, while reaching a massive audience.

Maybe they should make Rice a permanent member of the panel.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Condoleezza Rice, Critical Race Theory, Education, Virginia