CNN Frantically Carries Terry McAuliffe’s Water in Final Days of Dead-Heat Virginia Governor’s Race
“A comment McAuliffe made at a debate in September [about parental involvement in their children’s education] has sort of been spun out of control,” CNN reporter Eva McKend proclaimed in a segment on how tight the Virginia governor’s race has become in the closing week.

The Virginia governor’s race between Democrat nominee Terry McAuliffe and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin is in a dead-heat with less than a week to go before voters take to the polls.
The signs of desperation in McAuliffe’s campaign and his surrogates, including those in the mainstream media, are apparent. There’s the ridiculous accusation last week about Youngkin that he displayed “anti-Semitism” by criticizing billionaire Democrat backer George Soros, as well as the oft-repeated claim by McAuliffe himself that parental concern over, among other things, the implementation of Critical Race Theory in public classrooms is a “racist dog whistle.”
In other words, the typical “victim” cards we expect to be played from Democrats and their allies in the press are indeed being thrown out there in an 11th-hour bid to manipulate voters in an effort to turn McAuliffe’s campaign around.
McAuliffe has been in a freefall ever since a blunt admission he made during a late September televised debate about how “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Instead of retracting his comments after the backlash that ensued, McAuliffe has doubled down while only sending a tiny smattering of overtures here and there about how “of course” parents should be involved with giving input on the public school curriculums taught to their children.
But you wouldn’t know that if you’d watched CNN’s coverage in the closing days of this race. On Tuesday, CNN reporter Eva McEnd gave an assist of sorts to the McAuliffe campaign, asserting during a New Day segment that McAuliffe’s remarks on public education from that debate “[have] sort of been spun out of control.” Worse, she sounded at points like a campaign surrogate for McAuliffe, proclaiming “now, that is not the case” in response to Youngkin’s characterization of McAuliffe’s stance on parental involvement in their child’s education (bolded emphasis added by me):
“You know, Glenn Youngkin has landed on this closing argument that it is a fundamental right in Virginia of parents to be engaged in their children’s education and that his opponent, Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe doesn’t believe that. Now, that is not the case. A comment McAuliffe made at a debate in September has sort of been spun out of control. Here’s what McAuliffe actually said, he said he was not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision and that he didn’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. Now, he has said he is running a Virginia focus campaign, Youngkin, that is, but has latched on to the national implications of this issue.
Now, Youngkin does seem very comfortable with this narrative. When you go to his rallies, I’ve been to many, it’s filled with parents and grandparents animated by this ‘parents matter’ message. It’s unclear, though, if this is getting him new voters or people in the conservative base who would have likely voted for Youngkin anyway.“
Watch McEnd frantically spin for McAuliffe below:
Notice what McEnd and CNN didn’t do during that report? Play the actual clip of what McAuliffe said. While the back and forth between McAuliffe and Youngkin at that debate was in part about explicit books in public school libraries, McAuliffe’s comment about parental involvement was separate. Watch:
Terry McAuliffe: "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) September 28, 2021
Had he left it at “I don’t think parents should be yanking books from school libraries” or something like that, it would be different – still entirely debatable, of course, but still a different animal than the unequivocal declaration that “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
Plus, as noted earlier, McAuliffe has repeatedly doubled down on what he said during that debate since then, telling one interviewer “no” when asked if he “misspoke” during that debate. And literally the day after that infamous debate, here’s what he told another local news station:
“Listen, we have a Board of Ed, working with the local school boards to determine the curriculum for our schools. You don’t want parents coming in, in every different school district saying this is what should be taught here and this is what should be taught there.”
Over and over again, Terry McAuliffe has made it a matter of public record that he believes what’s taught in public school classrooms should be up to educators – and with no parental input. CNN can run interference all they want to on his behalf, but it’s his own words – not CNN’s generous massaging of them – that tell Virginia voters the true story.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Unless the Republican is leading by more than the “margin of cheating” the Left will steal the election.
The “margin of cheating” is expandable and can be resized to fit the need.
How is this not an in-kind contribution to the campaign?
Because it was not done at the campaign’s request, so how could it be a contribution? The word “contribution” means something given. Either cash or goods physically delivered to it, or work performed at its request and not charged for. Here what was given to the campaign? What connection is there to the campaign at all?
Nope, not this time. We all need to stop being so defeatist and cynical. Get your friends in VA out to vote for Glenn Youngin and to work the polls.
Thank you for your breath of fresh air.
Unless the Republican is leading by more than the “margin of cheating” the Left will steal the election.
With an attitude like that it’s no wonder the Republicans can take an 8 point election lead and then still manage to lose. And then afterwards sit there with the deer in the headlight look on their faces wondering what the hell just happened. So just knock it off with your defeatist nonsense and at least pretend that we might win an election once and a while. You know, it might just happen.
Democrats are busily sending absentee ballots to Mexico so when the hoard comes here they can vote.
Democrats want to be able to throw radical ideas out there and safely retract their statements and insinuate opponents are oversensitive or guilty of some -phobia or -ism when they come to realize that the rest of us that live on planet Earth aren’t buying what they’re selling. Americans can only tolerate so much duplicity.
yes, you just defined gaslighting (you know, the term coined by Dems to throw out when racism became stale).
Dems are always the most guilty of their own finger pointing accusations.
No, that’s not what gaslighting means. Gaslighting is causing someone to doubt their own senses; pretending some truth is false, and acting so sure of it that the target starts to believe it false too, despite his own memories and the evidence of his senses. Dems do this all the time, but this specific case isn’t an example of it.
Gaslighting. When I tell you an apple is a banana, and ridicule and demean you until you believe the apple is really a banana – while you KNOW deep in your mind that it is an apple.
A little right on the money don’t you think? The Clinton News Net is carrying the water for a Clinotnista.
Watch out for legal maneuvering by Marc Elias, Esq., whose career is dedicated to doing what it takes in court even with arguments that are rejected by judges for Democrats to win.
“CNN frantically carries Terry McAuliffe’s water…”
Terry McAuliffe’s got a leaky bucket. But CNN holds up a partially filled container and tells us he’s got a bucket full. The only thing full, however, is CNN—who is completely full of BS.
Who the hell watches CNN anyways?
“This just in: CNN Lies. Film at 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00…”
Bringing BO in to campaign for you is a sure sign of desperation; his talk about “…fake outrage…” is proof of the fact that the former President resides in an alternate reality.
Media’s message to voters = “Don’t believe your eyes or ears.”
Truth is, Democrats from National to State and Local Level have TOLD YOU EXACTLY who they are and what they want for you and your kids.
They want full control of your kids to fill their heads with any garbage and nonsense that THEY deem useful. They want the GOVERNMENT to control YOUR KIDS. And to shape their world view, their morals and their beliefs. They want the kids to worship their god of DEI (Latin for “God”) of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion which is a cult that leads it followers to DIE.
If Virginia elects McAuliffe the State will entrench these caustic ideas. You will not be able to escape the Woke cult.
McAuliffe mentioned TOO often in headlines, positive or negative. It’s almost like everyone’s advertising for the guy.
Without looking, can you tell me who the GOP candidate for VA Governor is???
Oh! And why isn’t anyone talking about Dem NJ Gov Phil Murphy and the GOP candidate What’s-His-Name???
No problem, the cheating will cover this
Maybe. Gining up sufficient ‘extra’ ballots takes planning. The d/prog were definitely not planning on a statistically even race even 3 weeks ago. The last minute d/prog efforts to not adhere to ballot security requirements for mail in ballots seems to have been rejected; last I saw anyway.
Bottom line is independent voters and even some d voters are not happy to be put in the corner by the education mafia. The totality of the impact of the Louden County rape cover-up and the subsequent very public treatment of parents won’t be known until after election day. Coupled with McAiliffe very clearly triple down on his statements and I suspect that more than a few otherwise reliable d voters will stay home or vote for Youngkin.
All that means is that just like 2020 they’re going to have to cheat more openly. They got away with it then, they’ll expect to get away with it now.
They WILL get away with it again.
Openly…2020 seemed pretty open. Unless they just burn the voter registration lists and take all comers I don’t see how it could be more open.
IMO, you, me and everyone else who is actually concerned about a repeat performance should be investing the time to become a poll watcher to preclude these antics. We should be gearing up locally in our State, County and precinct with volunteers, attorneys funding and a coordinated plan to defeat the d/prog vote shenanigans.
No problem, the cheating will cover this
With an attitude like that it’s no wonder the Republicans can take an 8 point election lead and then still manage to lose. And then afterwards sit there with the deer in the headlight look on their faces wondering what the hell just happened. So just knock it off with your defeatist nonsense and at least pretend that we might win an election once and a while. You know, it might just happen.
If the fools who listen to these lying bastards only knew how little the corrupt media and corrupt politicians thought of them, they’d be incensed. But then, that’s why fools are targeted.
No problem, the cheating will cover this
With an attitude like that it’s no wonder the Republicans can take an 8 point election lead and then still manage to lose. And then afterwards sit there with the deer in the headlight look on their faces wondering what the hell just happened. So just knock it off with your defeatist nonsense and at least pretend that we might win an election once and a while. You know, it might just happen.
That has got to be one of the dumbest people in the media today. An Affirmative Action hire if there ever was one.
Even dumb people listen to her, and are worse for it. Dumb people say “DAMN, she dumb!”
That’s the kind of person who would call the Master of the Plantation to say “Miss Kizzie tryna scape!”
What a despicable, vile snake, McAuliffe is. The personification of the Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks’ imperial arrogance, obnoxiousness, corruption, dishonesty and totalitarian impulses.
Another rotten fruit from the rotten Clinton tree.