CDC Pulls Recommendation for ‘Virtual’ Halloween and Thanksgiving

Fauci caused a stir when he said “it’s too soon” to know if people should celebrate Christmas with their families.Then people noticed the CDC recommended virtual Halloween and Thanksgiving celebrations.Both received immediate backlash. Both quickly walked back or deleted the comments.I figured something was up with the CDC. I read Jazz Shaw’s write-up at Hot Air on the new guidelines. However, I could not find anything about holiday celebrations on the website.The CDC quietly deleted the recommendations for virtual holidays:

As of Monday, the holiday tips landing page was removed, with CDC representatives noting that old guidance was posted in error and that new guidance is coming soon.”The content is in the process of being updated by CDC to reflect current guidance ahead of this holiday season,” CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said in a statement. “The page had a technical update on Friday, but doesn’t reflect the CDC’s guidance ahead of this upcoming holiday season. CDC will share additional guidance soon.”

Weird. Old guidance? People who saw the webpage said the CDC mentioned fully vaccinated people. Jazz Shaw wrote:

Despite vaccinations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends people celebrate Thanksgiving virtually this year.Updated guidance states that attending gatherings for events and holidays still increases the risk of getting and spreading COVID-19, especially with the threat of the highly transmissible delta variant…Travel is not recommended unless individuals are fully vaccinated. Even so, travelers must still wear masks on public transportation.The recommendations are just for Halloween and Thanksgiving as of now.

The CDC includes additional advisories if you refuse to celebrate Thanksgiving over Facetime. You should first consider hosting your dinner outdoors with everyone sitting six feet apart. Yes… outdoors. At the end of November. I’ll just remind everyone that last year, at least in upstate New York, we’d already had our first snowstorm of the season by Thanksgiving. On the plus side, if you do host your party outdoors, the CDC says that “masks may not be needed.” What a relief.

The CDC made the post on Friday to no fanfare. Fauci made his comments on nation TV.

I think something is happening behind closed doors at the CDC, especially since everyone attacked Mr. Grinch over his Christmas comments. Fauci claimed people “misinterpreted” his comments after the intense criticism.

No one cares. Remember, the loudest people usually do not represent the majority (looking at you, MSM and coastal elites).

The majority of people I know gathered with family and friends on Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2019. I might be a hermit, but I know plenty of people.

I’m celebrating the holidays with family and friends again. No masks. No social distancing. Lots of hugs and laughs. Lots of eating and drinking. Lots of eating after my nieces and nephews because why waste the wonderful food?

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Centers for Disease Control, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Wuhan Coronavirus