Bull. I do not believe this one bit. Something was lost in translation or we need more context.
I’m going to say both.
Say what you will about Pope Francis, but we all know he is anti-abortion. He has also said that he would not deny Communion to someone in mortal sin.
First off, having the Church officially deny someone Communion is the last resort. I wrote about this subject in depth when WaPo tried to characterize the bishops trying to uphold the Church’s teaching on abortion as “right-wing.”
If you want to take Communion while not in communion with the Church that is up to you. God knows and that is all that matters.
I agree that as a prominent person with a podium Biden deserves more scrutiny than you or me. The US bishops wrote after Biden won in November (emphasis mine):
The Eucharist is the source and summit of Catholic life. Therefore, like every Catholic generation before us, we must be guided by the words of St. Paul, “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord” (1 Cor 11:27). This means that all must examine their consciences as to their worthiness to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord. This examination includes fidelity to the moral teaching of the Church in personal and public life.
But overall it is up to the person. You know you should not present yourself for Communion if you are not in communion with the Church. If you want to put your soul in danger and take Communion when you should not take it then fine. God knows and that is all that matters.
Second, Pope Francis uses strong language against abortion:
“There is the discarding of children that we do not want to welcome with the law of abortion that sends them to the dispatcher and kills them directly. And today this has become a ‘normal’ method, a practice that is very ugly. It is really murder,” Pope Francis said Sept. 27.In a live-streamed address to members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the pope said that to understand what abortion is, it helps to pose two questions.“Is it right to eliminate, to take a human life to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem? That’s what abortion is,” the pope commented.
Pope Francis also said: “Abortion is murder. Scientifically it’s a human life. The textbooks teach us that. But is it right to take it out to solve a problem? This is why the Church is so strict on this issue because accepting this is kind of like accepting daily murder.”
A hitman: “How can an action that ends an innocent and defenseless life in its blossoming stage be therapeutic, civilized or simply human? I ask you: Is it right to ‘do away with’ a human life in order to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman in order to solve a problem? One cannot. It is not right to ‘do away with’ a human being, however small, in order to solve a problem. It is like hiring a hitman.”
I used to be pro-abortion. I reconciled with the Church and have not gone back down that path. I also do all I can to make up for my past.
Third, who is a “good” Catholic? Humans are flawed. I don’t think anyone is a “good” Catholic because we can all do better.
I know Biden and Pelosi are pro-abortion. We all know that. It makes it easy to presume what’s in their heart and soul, but remember only God knows that.