AOC Still Peddling Lies About Jan. 6: “Almost 10 dead”

There are some members of Congress who are more clueless and some who are more outrageous, but few are as clueless and outrageous as New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

She again demonstrated her knack for being both clueless and outrageous by tweeting misinformation about January 6th and falsely claiming that there were “almost 10 dead.”

First of all, there was a scheduled rally featuring the sitting president of these United States that day, and it is not at all unusual for Congresscritters on both sides of the aisle to coordinate with like-minded groups. Are we expected to believe that political rallies featuring the president (or any politician or candidate) are not coordinated with members of that party’s Congressional caucuses and their grassroots supporters?

Indeed, AOC herself coordinated with eco-fascists in her ridiculous (clueless and outrageous) 2018 storming of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. Had those activists gone on to break windows and (gasp!) put their feet on Pelosi’s desk, would AOC be to blame? Would that be an insurrection?  Of course not on both counts.

Members of Congress coordinate with grassroots groups all the time to bolster attendance at various rallies and protests.

It doesn’t always work out, remember Biden’s pathetic “car rallies” that drew tens of supporters?  You can bet that wasn’t a failure of planning (and much urgent pleading) between his team, relevant Democrat members of Congress, and leftist grassroots groups.

In short, there is nothing even mildly interesting—let alone alarming—about the Rolling Stone story AOC links in her tweet.  It’s a “water is wet” story that would never have been published if it weren’t propping up the Democrats’ fabricated Reichstag narrative about January 6th.

Secondly, she is lying about January 6th.  Again.  What on earth does her crazy “almost 10 dead” line even mean? The one and only person who died of direct violence on January 6th was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter shot to death by Capitol police officer Michael Byrd.

Because everything that can possibly go wrong for Democrats is going wrong, the consensus seems to be that it’s best to continue hyping the events of January 6th as the near-collapse of our entire federal government at the hands of a few hundred unarmed selfie-takers and “paraders” along with a smattering of also unarmed, but violent, rioters.

All the eye rolls.

It’s important to remember, too, that the violent rioters who attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power on President Trump’s first Inauguration Day were richly rewarded for their trouble . . . to the tune of $1.6 million in taxpayer money. No one on the right launched themselves onto the nearest fainting couch whining about “insurrection” and the attempt “to subvert our Democracy” and “overthrow our government.”

You know why? Because they did none of the above; they were violent rioters who actually set fire to things, threw bricks at people, including police, and generally behaved abysmally in the hopes of stopping the inauguration of our great nation’s 45th president. But they were no more “insurrectionists” than were the January 6th protesters and rioters. Indeed, not one single person has been charged with insurrection, with treason, or with domestic terrorism in relation to either event.

But Democrats are craven wannabe tyrants eager to grasp at any justification to declare their “war on domestic terror” on essentially the two-thirds of the U.S. population who do not support their lunatic leftist agenda. They want to expand the federal government and to amass more power, more wealth, and total control over a free people.  And they will stop at nothing to accomplish their commie dreams.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Progressive or Parody?