Andrew Cuomo Charged With Misdemeanor Sex Crime for Allegedly Groping Former Aide
The complaint alleges Cuomo “did intentionally and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim and onto her intimate body part.”

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was charged with a misdemeanor sex crime in the Albany City Court.
From Fox News:
The Democrat was charged in Albany City Court Thursday, a spokesperson for New York State Court has confirmed to Fox News.
“A Misdemeanor Complaint against former Governor Andrew Cuomo has been filed in Albany City Court” the spokesperson said in a statement. “As this is a sex crime, a redacted complaint will be available shortly.”
Mariann Wang, an attorney for Cuomo accusers Alyssa McGrath and Virginia Limmiatis celebrated the news in a statement Thursday.
“My clients are enormously grateful for the courage of the women who have come forward to speak the truth about Cuomo’s misconduct,” Wang said. “Cuomo is being held to account as he should be, including by being forced to answer a criminal charge. We hope that all men who abuse their power by abusing women will see this and understand that there will be real consequences to their profoundly damaging behavior.”
The complaint defined “forcibly touching” as when a “person intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose forcibly touches the sexual or other intimate parts of another person for the purpose of degrading or abusing such person, or for the purpose of gratifying the actor’s sexual desire.”
It alleges Cuomo “did intentionally and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim and onto her intimate body part.”
“Specifically, the victims [sic] left breast for the purposes of degrading and gratifying his sexual desires, all contrary to the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided,” the complaint concluded.
NEW: Criminal charge against fmr Gov. Andrew Cuomo for Forcible Touching 130.52, NY courts spokesman confirms with the document. @Law360 story TK
— Frank G. Runyeon (@frankrunyeon) October 28, 2021

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Damn, he didn’t even get to first base? Feel sorry for the girl, and so many others. He’s just NASTY.
I’m no fan of Cuomo but how do they prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. Seems like just political theatre.
I respect women and have daughters. But we have had many women come forward accusing R ad D politicos and found they fabricated or exaggerated. I’m not saying that is the case here. but unless there are witnesses or there is other corroboration – this will not go far.
The complaint opens up the investigation. The investigation “primes the pump” for others to come forward. The process is the judgment.
The investigation has been open since March. Multiple women spoke out about Cuomo before that, which is what started the investigation. 11 women filed complaints. Who else is supposed to show up if they haven’t by now?
If there’ no contemporaneous police report, it didn’t happen.
It’s probably a business deal she changed her mind on.
Forcible groping?
This demonstrates once and for all that Cuomo is a second-tier Democrat politician. The big boys in the Dim party finger rape (Biden*), punch in the mouth in the course of raping (Clintoon), pimp their teenage interns out to big campaign donors (JFK), or leave their sexual conquests in a submerged car to drown (Teddy ‘The Lion of the Senate’ Kennedy).
C’mon man! Step up your game!
Misdemeanor forcible groping.
Wake me when someone moves on his felony mass murder.
The Dems do not want to pursue the COVID DEATHS – because it opens a can of worms. It would inevitable expand the investigation to New Jersey, Conn and other states that did much of what Cuomo did. It may get investigated – someday – when the Dem politicos who might suffer consequences have left office.
that mug shot will go viral next week, too bad they won’t raid his house and perp walk him ino jail
Put him general population. He has a lot of enemies, everywhere.
This is just the Democrat establishment trying to cover their asses by pretending to hold Cuomo legally responsible for his actions. They charge him with an offense low enough that there’s no danger of any real punishment, and if he’s found guilty there’s not likely to be anything more than a fine and a suspended sentence. Then they will “move on”.