World Economic Forum tells U.S. colleges to ‘re-educate the racists among us’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is one of the gaggles of self-appointed masters of the universe behind the Great Reset. So of course they are on the Critical Race Theory bandwagon.

Campus Reform reports:

The World Economic Forum published an article last week arguing that colleges “re-educate the racists among us” to end “racism on university campuses.”“Fighting racism demands confrontation at all levels on college campuses by uprooting racist institutional designs inherent in campus-wide admissions systems, recruitment, scholarships, cultures, and histories,” researchers from KAIST-Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution wrote. The World Economic Forum is an organization that advocates for cooperation among the world’s largest governments and corporations. It is also known for its “The Great Reset” series, a provocation to redesign the global economy following COVID-19 and the lockdown-induced global recession.The article calls for using “data-driven methods” to measure racial “climates,” as well as “promoting anti-racist culture and policies” through projects such as Centers for Racial Justice.Additionally, universities must “support affected minorities at various levels,” which — includes “educating people to eradicate their hate” through mandatory diversity training, according to the researchers. Aiming to solve underrepresentation among faculty and the student body, the researchers also propose a “diversity barometer” that can “track such progress and hold university leadership accountable” through periodical reviews.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory