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UW-Madison to Host Welcome BBQ ‘Intended’ for Students of Color

UW-Madison to Host Welcome BBQ ‘Intended’ for Students of Color

“All are welcome, intended for self-identifying people of color”

It looks like the idea here is that anyone can go to the BBQ, but it’s really meant for students of color, so it’s only a little discriminatory.

The College Fix reports:

UW-Madison to host ‘Welcome BBQ’ intended only for students of color

In an effort to welcome back students to campus, the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host a “Welcome BBQ” intended only for students of color.

The event is scheduled for September 12, four days after the start of the academic year at UW. It will be free of charge to attendees, according to a flyer obtained by The College Fix.

“All are welcome, intended for self-identifying people of color,” the flyer states.

Though the barbeque is advertised in several dining hall locations on campus, it is not listed on the campus events calendar nor the University Housing events and activities page.

In contrast, a “Latinx New Student Welcome” is posted online.

However, in a statement Tuesday morning to The College Fix, UW-Madison spokesperson Meredith McGlone said there is nothing unusual about the way the campus is advertising the event.

“Regarding event promotion … it is standard practice for Housing to use signs rather than online listings to promote events organized within the hall intended primarily for hall residents,” she said via email. “The Latinx Student Welcome is not organized by Housing and is targeted to a broader audience, which is why it’s promoted online.”

Hosting the barbecue is the university’s Center for Cultural Enrichment, whose mission includes “embracing all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender expressions, religions, classes, abilities, or any other aspects of identity we hold.”


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I guess a bunch of red-necks need to go. Red is a color.

“All are welcome” makes the “intended for…people of color” racism so much more palatable, doesn’t it?

The Friendly Grizzly | September 1, 2021 at 7:26 pm

Will white students be tagged racist for not showing up?

Isn’t it kinda racist to make the event a BBQ ;p I mean if you intend it mainly for students of color?

college students will find their way to free food no matter how you put the word out…I hope this blows up in their faces.

Also, this is Madison, Wisconsin we are talking about.

They will probably host a “BBQ” with uncured, antibiotic-free grass fed salt n pepper rubbed chicken overcooked in a pot of watery “sauce” with a side of avocado toast and cream of wheat.

    That sounds…truly disgusting. People eat that?

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to kyrrat. | September 2, 2021 at 9:46 am

      Keep in mind… there are places in the country where – if you order a pastrami sandwich, they will ask you if you want it on white or whole wheat.

      /I can just FEEL every Jew reading this, cringing at the mere thought! LOL

        I was in a chain restaurant (pictures and text for employees and diners to see) and ordered a Reuben sandwich. Server asked what kind of cheese I wanted on it. I told her never mind — cheeseburger with cheddar. Sorry, all we have is American and Swiss.

Sounds like a dare for people of non-color (isn’t there a white crayon in the box?) to put on blackface and enjoy BBQ until the fights start.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to gatorbait. | September 2, 2021 at 9:50 am

    There WAS a “flesh” crayon years ago, but Persons of Easily-Offended demanded its removal.

    Have any of you seen Uncle Ben or Aunt Jemima lately?

    The same group got Mason’s Black Crows changed to Mason’s Crows; I think the Black Cow suckers are gone; and Milky Way Dark became Milky Way Midnight.

    (On that last one: why not just revert to the original name? “Forever Yours”?)