Sens. Hawley and Blackburn Slam Milley and the Rest Over Book and Media Interviews
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Sens. Hawley and Blackburn Slam Milley and the Rest Over Book and Media Interviews

Sens. Hawley and Blackburn Slam Milley and the Rest Over Book and Media Interviews

“In order to get your name in a book… all you have managed to do is to politicize the U.S. military, to downgrade our reputation with our allies”

During the sometimes explosive Senate hearings on Tuesday, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) went after General Milley and the others for caring more about interviews in books and media than the disaster brewing under their noses in Afghanistan.

Marsha Blackburn called out Milley for politicizing the military.

From Reuters:

In one exchange on Tuesday, Milley acknowledged also speaking with two other sets of book authors. Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn lashed out at him.

“In order to get your name in a book… all you have managed to do is to politicize the U.S. military, to downgrade our reputation with our allies,” Blackburn said.

Watch below:

Josh Hawley had similar criticisms and ultimately called on Milley to resign.

From McClatchy News:

Hawley claims General Milley cares more about D.C. press than Afghanistan

Missouri U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley on Tuesday suggested that Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, cared more about his image among the Washington D.C. press than the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and once again called for his resignation.

“It seems to me that you put a high priority on making sure you were highly favorably portrayed by the D.C. press corps,” Hawley said during a meeting of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. “Fair enough if that’s your priority, but at the same time, we had a rapidly deteriorating, frankly disastrous situation in Afghanistan.”

The book “Peril” by The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Robert Costa first reported that Milley asked the military to warn him if Trump ordered the launch of nuclear weapons.

That report sparked Hawley’s first call that Milley should resign.


Hawley is correct. Milley should resign and so should Lloyd Austin.


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They are sleazy politicians in uniform, they should be tarred and feathered.

Torches and pitchforks….

Funny how Milley is talked out of both sides. He had the authority to start a COUP under TuRmp but didn’t have the authority to question Dictator Dementia.

Then he had the nerve to say he hasn’t read the books that he was interviewed for content and if it was accurate.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | September 29, 2021 at 2:15 pm

It’s all theater and mental masturbation.

No one will have a CNN produced 5 am raid by Gestapo stormtroopers. No one will go to jail or lose their job.

Milley is highly partisan. He’s quite a bit left of center (woke) and supports the Democrats. He must go.

“Josh Hawley had similar criticisms and ultimately called on Milley to resign.”
Or there’s just treason.
Why isn’t the “greatest legislative body in the world” pursuing that?
Too much like work?

The two whining Senators are just mad because Milley and Austin are getting more press than either of them so they want to jump on the talk train and get some of the attention.

Blackburn is the weasel woman of the west. I haven’t forgotten the “kill the competition run” she made back to the Tennessee Legislature when a couple of her more generous contributors, internet carriers, I recall AT&T was one of them.

Google had a contract with Chattanooga to supply the city of with internet services at a really good price and running at 1 Gig. This was several years ago while Blackburn was still a Representative and almost nobody was offering speeds over 50 Meg and that at multiples of the Google price. When other cities wanted the same service for their city and citizens. AT&T and the other cable internet supplier went screaming to Marsha to get them some protection for those contributions they give her. She tried to run a bill through Congress to legislatively pick the winners. Congress wouldn’t have it so she went back to the State legislature and got them to pass a bill that cut Google off at the knees.

So much for the good ol’ American free enterprise. So the good citizens of the State of Tennessee who I don’t believe knew they were screwed obediently bent over and grabbed their ankles even though they didn’t know what for. It’s just another Congress critter doing what they have been paid to do.

There we have the essence of free enterprise. If you’re being challenged in the market and don’t want to have to spend more money to meet the challenge, go to your well paid Congress critter.

What the hell are they carrying on about. There was no complaint from Republicans when Trump ignored everybody and did as he wanted. He was and still is an egotistical, narcissistic paranoid, a known mental illness for which there is no known cure or treatment, yet these toadies want to challenge a couple of people who have spoke up.

The treason involved was Trump. His efforts to get the Presidency back was insurrection or sedition and he should be removed from society.