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Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California to be Fired by District

Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California to be Fired by District

“Our teachers must, without bias, or favoring their own personal beliefs share facts and information around differing perspectives”

We did a full post about this teacher earlier in the week, you can read the full back story here. He may soon be looking for work.

FOX News reports:

Pro-Antifa California teacher to be fired by school district after leaked video emerges

A far-left California teacher with a hammer and sickle tattoo and an apparent affinity for Antifa and brutal communist dictators will be fired after bragging on video that he was working to radicalize his students “further and further left,” his employer announced Wednesday.

In a letter, the Natomas Unified School District Superintendent Chris Evans wrote that Gabriel Gipe, a social studies teacher at Inderkum High School, would be terminated after Project Veritas found Antifa and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom and recorded him talking about indoctrinating his students.

“I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries,” he says in the recording.

That didn’t go over well with district officials.

“As of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom,” Evans wrote. “Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher.”

After the Project Veritas video emerged, the district’s internal investigation found Gipe responsible for numerous violations of its code of conduct.

“Our teachers must, without bias, or favoring their own personal beliefs share facts and information around differing perspectives,” Evans wrote. “This teacher crossed that line and violated that trust.”


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Anyone with a hammer &. sickle tattoo is too dumb to be a teacher.

There are many unpockmarked walls in California

The Friendly Grizzly | September 3, 2021 at 1:27 pm

Will the amount of the severance package be revealed?

Here’s the thing I didn’t see any of those parents on the videos press: You’re not going to tell me that nobody else in that school knew full well what kind of a scumstain this guy was, and what he was doing to those kids. This was not his first year there.

I saw parents complaining about the crap job of backgrounding that HR must have done on him, but it’s easy to fool HR for a week and then you’re done. But to work for years at the school among students, peers, and supervisors, and yet have not one person complain, is way scarier than just this guy.

School systems are big on “consciousness-raising assemblies” — they need to have one in this school (and all their others) to tell the teachers and staff in no uncertain terms that if this sort of crap happens again, the investigation is going to extend to colleagues in the school who knew or were likely to know what was going on and didn’t report it.

Is this “unconservative,” “unlibertarian,” “beneath us?” It’s called “designated reporter” (PC term for “mandatory snitch”), and has already been the law for decades… for staff who sexually exploit kids, staff who encounter students who appear to have been beaten at home, and a dozen other circumstances. If they added “teachers who contribute to the delinquency of minors” and “teachers who advocate or knowingly belong to an organization or group which advocates the overthrow of the government” to that list, I’m not going to be writing my congressman to complain.

(Hell, volunteer Boy Scout camp counselors who don’t even belong to BSA are “designated reporters” under the law. If a school run by the government and funded by the government can’t require that their staff not advocate the overthrow of the government, demolish it.)

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | September 3, 2021 at 4:41 pm

    Agreed. Thank you.

    This idiot ideologue bragged to Project Veritas that more than one other teacher was on the same page and promoting this same propaganda. All the school district has to do to achieve actual credibility is to listen to the video and ferret out the other treasonous bastards in that school.

    Just askin’, how many so-called “teachers” are pushing this anti-American crappola across the state of californica?

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to bear. | September 5, 2021 at 10:12 am

      Given the political stance of their labor unions, I would say the percentage of such teachers is very high.

And even more to the point:

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government

Many parents are uninterested in determining what their children are being taught as long as they are being taken care of and it’s not costing anything.


    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to gibbie. | September 5, 2021 at 10:20 am

    Or, they were brought up to respect authority, and they “know” the public school system is safe. Or, they still believe what their parents taught them. I outgrew that, but, how many did?

    I recall when I started school in the early 1950s, I was told the kids going to private schools were snobs, the parochial school kids were being taught to hate Jews, blah blah blah.

    When the federales started enforcing desegregation in the South, “Christian Academies” sprung up virtually overnight. I was told by my rock-ribbed, Rooseveltian Democrat mother, that this was so the kids would grow up to be racist Jew hating bigots.

    I accepted this at face value; of course I would. Mothers know best when you are a youngster. It was later in life i learned it was done so that non-black kids could learn something in safety.