Democrat House Bill Seeks to Abolish U.S. Space Force
Democrats must undo absolutely everything championed by Trump . . . no matter how good the action nor how detrimental its loss

Of all the orders and actions taken by former President Donald Trump, arguably the most popular with the American public was the creation of the U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the military.
But, of course, Democrats must undo absolutely everything championed by Trump . . . no matter how good the action was for this nation nor how detrimental its loss will be. Therefore, a California congressman had just introduced a bill to abolish the U.S. Space Force.
A North Bay congressman has introduced a bill to abolish the U.S. Space Force, a day after the newest branch of the military unveiled new uniform prototypes.
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) introduced the No Militarization of Space Act as Congress moves to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual bill that authorizes funding for the Pentagon.
The nuttiest progressives in Congress are super-exited about this move, which would return U.S. Space Force operations back the the U.S. Air Force.
The No Militarization of Space Act comes as Congress moves to pass the National Defense Authorization Act, which funds the Pentagon.
Huffman was joined by representatives Mark Pocan, Jesús “Chuy” García, Rashida Tlaib and Maxine Waters in introducing the legislation, which is endorsed by Taxpayers for Common Sense, National Taxpayers Union, Peace Action, R Street Institute and Demand Progress.
“It’s time we turn our attention back to where it belongs: addressing urgent domestic and international priorities like battling COVID-19, climate change and growing economic inequality,” Huffman said. “Our mission must be to support the American people, not spend billions on the militarization of space.” ”
The good news is that this move appears to be a political stunt.
Colorado Springs Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn bristled at the introduction of the bill to kill the Space Force, which came after it was rejected as an amendment to a wider Pentagon measure.
“This is an frivolous bill that has no hope of passing,” Lamborn said in an email. “The creation of the Space Force was a bipartisan effort from the beginning. This reorganization of our national security space enterprise resulted from the belated recognition of space as a warfighting domain and the increasing threat to critical space assets posed by our near-peer competitors.”
The measure would have to gain traction to pass the House, where the Space Force has had support from both sides of the aisle. Even if the House backed it, the measure would face almost certain defeat in the Senate, where Democrats hold control by the narrowest of margins and the space service has had bipartisan backing.
Given the popularity of the U.S. Space Force among voters, GOP hopefuls certainly now have a target of opportunity and can pounce most vigorously on Democratic opponents in the upcoming congressional races.
The country that controls space controls the universe, just as China is controlling the world. Giving the keys to China/Russia….just peachy!!
— Marsha Crawford Hart ★☆★
(@MadAsHell_) September 25, 2021
11) Naturally, DemoKKKrats trying to kill Space Force. Anything truly forward looking and good for America, DemoKKKrat spoogemonkeys hate.
— Wild World of History (@history_wild) September 24, 2021
Demorats are killing accomplishments of Trump out of pure spite. Demorats why don't you spite Richard Nixon as well and kill the Environmental Protection Agency?
— Peter (Voter ID laws protect Democracy.) (@pbreed3) September 23, 2021

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Space Force looks to the future
1. Establishing Space Force is one of Trump’s achievements
2. When you think of Space Force you think of Trump
3. Only one thing to do: Democrats must undo absolutely everything championed by Trump no matter how good the action, nor how detrimental its loss.
Chian. Russia and others are already working in the same direction as TRump with a space force. The American left always leading from the rear.
Abolish Space Force to allow their masters control of the high ground forever. Forget arguing over Taiwan and argue what to call the next new Chinese province…the USA. Capitulation is chosen.
USA would be nuts to cede the high ground……are the Dems insane?
China probably already has a “space platform” situated in orbit to go along with their “ground platform”…..CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC etc etc
“It’s time we turn our attention back to where it belongs: addressing urgent domestic and international priorities like battling COVID-19, climate change and growing economic inequality,”
Said another way,
“It’s time we turn our attention back to where it belongs: urban legends and partisan hoaxes.”
Instead of “No Militarization of Space Act” it such be named the “Cowardly Surrendering to China and Russia Act”.
They don’t like the uniforms. I recommended going with the Tom Corbet Space Cadet design.
Rocky Jones Space Rangers
Have you seen the baggy pants the woman wore? Paging Uhuru to wardrobe.
It Trump did it, it must be undone
If Biden thought Mississippi’s new flag were Trump’s doing, the Confederate battle flag design would be back faster than you could say “Trunalimunumaprzure!!!”
Netflix didn’t work….on to plan B
Epidemics of treason and corruption have done our country in.
The democrat party as devolved into a fascist dark clownshow that is utlimately a money-making machine for its members – in particular Pelosi.
When former Mafia capo Michael Franseze marvels at the corruption of our federal government, you know it’s over:
Our only way out is secession.
Trump dealt the establishment a narcissistic injury they will never forget.
Yeah, but that’s akin to the DA sending one mafioso to prison. A mafia still runs our federal government.
The only differences between our federal government and the NY Mafia is that that mafioso in our federal government stand before our flag, and have a legal monopoly on force.
So Mussolini was the same as the NY Mob? How about the Horthy government? Wondering why I used actual fascist regimes for a point of comparison?
Because your comparison of an actual government to the NY Mob would be stupid even in comparing those obviously worst governments to the mob would be moronic let alone todays federal government.
You openly discourage voting the Republican and talk insane nonsense about secession (Hint Robert E Lee was one of the finest military officers of all time and he surrendered during the war that established secession is never an option and you sir are no Robert E Lee although you may work for the FBI).
If you want to start brining the deep state to heel and fighting back against the fascist party start working to help elect Republicans, if you want to be a counter-productive keyboard warrior carry on comparing the government to the mob and stating secession as an option.
A broken nose they can never hide or disguise.
Didn’t space force ironically go woke? They are targeting an institution on their side because it was founded by order of Donald Trump with approval from a Republican congress.
I have to admit, after I saw the Bellhops in Space prototype uniforms, I thought ending it might be a good idea as well.
That’s not all they’re trying to abolish. Another provision of the NDAA bill (Section 529, iirc) would allow military judges to restrict military members’ right to own weapons if they’re considered “violent extremists” (i.e., conservative) without a prior hearing.
The frustrated desperate authoritarian totalitarian Wicked Witch of the West continues to throw everything she can at the wall hoping some of it sticks.
Got an even better one.
For those who remember the Misery Index, Iranian Revolution, Cashmere Sweater years of Jimmy Carter, this nation can pay him back… by abolishing the Department of Education!
Give control of schooling back to the States!
Allow for school choice automatically.
Yeah, that’s the spirit!
Will the revolution be narrated by Gil-Scott Heron?