Border Crisis: Over 200,000 Migrant Encounters in August With More on the Way

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported they had over 200,000 migrant encounters in August.

That’s two months in a row the Border Patrol has seen over 200,000 migrants:

Fox News first reported that there were 208,887 encounters in August. While it marks the first decrease in migrant encounters seen under the Biden administration, where migrant encounters have been sharply rising for months, it is only a 2% drop over the more than 212,000 encounters in July.Additionally, the 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year’s border crisis.In August, 49% of apprehensions were single adults, down 7% from July, and 44% of migrants overall were expelled via Title 42 public health protections put in place under the Trump administration and extended by the Biden administration.The Biden administration has been expelling single adults and some migrant families under the order, implemented due to COVID-19, but has not been expelling unaccompanied children or migrant families with young children.There were 18,847 encounters of unaccompanied children in August, down slightly from July, and 86.487 encounters of family units, marking a 4% increase over July. Just 19% of encounters involving family unit individuals resulted in a Title 42 expulsion.

Fox News has drone footage of over 4,200 migrants under the International Bridge in Del Rio, TX.

This morning, the footage shows almost 7,000 migrants in Del Rio. Border Patrol President Brandon Judd told Fox News “it feels like CBP has fewer resources ‘every single day’ to handle the crisis.”

The crowd keeps growing.

The Biden administration is obsessed with forcing vaccines on American citizens against their will.

How about migrants?

The DHS inspector general found that the department “needs to enhance its Covid-19 prevention measures” at the border:

“Without stronger COVID-19 prevention measures in place, DHS is putting its workforce, support staff, communities, and migrants at greater risk of contracting the virus,” concluded the report, which comes amid the global pandemic.The review, conducted between March and May, unearthed several issues with the agency’s Covid-19 management efforts at the southwest border.The report noted that US Customs and Border Protection, which is overseen by DHS and is responsible for short-term migrant detention, is not able to maintain proper physical distancing in holding facilities because of the number of migrants illegally entering the United States and the inability of other government agencies to rapidly take custody of migrants. Extended time in custody leads to overcapacity and overcrowding at Border Patrol stations.Additionally, the Covid-19 testing process for families that have left CBP custody is “not effective because municipalities cannot force families to isolate for the required quarantine period,” according to the report.CBP is not required to and does not conduct Covid-19 testing for migrants who enter custody. Instead, the agency relies on local public health systems to test symptomatic individuals.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, DHS, Texas, Vaccines