Black Lives Matter to NYC: COVID Vaccine ‘Mandate Will Not be Another Racist Social-Distance Practice’

Anyone with a brain cell saw this coming a mile away.

New York City has a COVID vaccine mandate. Officials think it will encourage people to get the vaccine. How nice of them to reward or punish you based on you injecting something into your body.

Officials proved they don’t research or emerge from their echo chamber because we all know a lot of black people are not vaccinated. A simple Google search backs up that statement. Blacks do not trust the government.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) NYC and other organizations lashed out at NYC in front of Carmine’s in the Upper West Side over the mandate.

Three black women from Texas showed their vaccine cards to get a seat at Carmine’s. Two men attempted to join them but the hostess refused one since he did not have proof of the vaccine.

An argument happened and the manager led the party outside as the women joined the men. Then a brawl broke out with the women attacking the hostess.

The women accused the hostess of using a racial slur. The hostess accused them of using fake vaccination cards. A fight broke out and NYPD arrested the three women.

BLM NYC and others held a “Cancel Carmine’s” protest outside of the restaurant:

BLM NYC co-founder and chairman Hank Newsome alleged that the restaurant staff treated the black women with hostility and accused Carmine’s of covering up “their employees’ actions by using the vaccination passport as an excuse.” He demanded that Carmine’s release its video footage of the incident, which he believes will settle that the hostess was the antagonizer and that the three women were wrongfully charged.Chivona Newsome, the other co-founder of BLM NYC, targeted Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate more specifically in her remarks. She implied that the edict has resulted in repeats of historical episodes when blacks were disenfranchised from society.“Being a doctor does not protect you from anti-blackness. Having a vaccination card does not protect you from discrimination. The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits the actions of Carmine’s. It says it is illegal to discriminate against you on the basis of race,” she said.“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.

Newsome warned if incidents like the one at Carmine’s happens again and again BLM “would revolt.”

Newsome warned: “We’re putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise. The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”

Black Women’s March co-founder Kimberly Bernard stated: “We are serving notice on the mayor, on the governor, on the restaurant industry that we will not allow for you to use this pandemic, vaccination cards, and masks as another reason to be racist, to put us in prison. Because there’s enough of us in there.”

A few people tried to blame Republicans, former President Donald Trump, Fox News, etc.

A woman named Maya told National Review her community has trouble realizing it’s the Democrats who have led the charge over vaccines and lockdowns:

“Most black people aren’t going to acknowledge that the Democratic Party has disenfranchised us. Malcom X said it’s fox and wolves. The fox pretends to be your friend to your face but passes laws behind your back to harm you. The wolf is not your friend, they don’t like you, and they treat you as such. But who do you respect more? Black people tend to fall for the fox,” Maya said.She said her job is in jeopardy now because she’s refused the vaccine, another issue of economic equity that she says Democrats are not acknowledging.“This vaccine mandate is disproportionately affecting people of color. People shouldn’t be forced to do it. It’s ‘for your health,’ but they’re willing to ruin people’s lives to protect against a virus with over a 99 percent survival rate. . . . This is going to be the new Jim Crow, and it’s going to affect mostly people of color,” she said.

Tags: Bill de Blasio, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, New York City, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus