Australia COVID Cases Rise Despite Becoming the Ultimate Nanny State

Australia is proof we need the Second Amendment. Australia is proof a virus is going to virus.

Australia has become the ultimate nanny state when it comes to COVID-19. The governments have forced people to stay locked in their homes. They need permission to step outside. They need permission to take a breath.

And yet…the cases will not stop. It’s almost as if a virus does not care if you step outside your house.


The state of Victoria extended lockdown and restrictions for another three weeks because of more cases.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said the government will ease restrictions once 70% of the eligible residents have the first dose of the vaccine.

Cases have risen despite these restrictions:

You cannot leave your home other than for one of the five following reasons:

Yes, you need a permit to leave to work or get an education. How messed up is that?

Victoria residents have a 9 PM to 5 AM curfew except for emergencies, authorized work, supporting a child, or medical reasons.

The government allows you to travel only 5km from your home. That’s 3.1 miles. You can only go 3.1 miles away from your home to shop or exercise.

They also have this thing called social bubble buddy. You can have one friend in Victoria. The government even gave out a handbook about this stupid idea.

The person you choose cannot belong in another social buddy bubble. That is why I said one friend. You can have one friend in Victoria.

What if you have a family? You can have a social buddy bubble with another family but that is it.

You cannot have a social buddy bubble and a household social bubble.

Other insane restrictions:

New South Wales

Let’s look at Victoria’s neighbor New South Wales (NSW). The state will see around 2,000 cases a day by next week.

So of course the government is freaking out.

NSW has many of the same rules as Victoria. But I found a few extreme ones:

NSW sent out the military to crack down on those who broke the lockdown rules. They will also arrest you if you cross a border.

South Australia

Let’s get Orwellian, baby!

South Australia has an app you must use when you come home from neighboring NSW and Victoria:

People wanting to return to South Australia and home quarantine will have to apply to SA Health.They will have to prove they have a place to isolate during their quarantine period and must also be fully vaccinated.Those who are approved will have to download the South Australian Government home quarantine app, which uses geo-location and facial recognition software to track those in quarantine.The app will contact people at random asking them to provide proof of their location within 15 minutes.

If you cannot verify your location or identity when the fascists ping you they send police to your home to check-in on you.

Tags: Australia, Fascism, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus