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Abbott: If Biden Fires Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of Whipping Migrants, Texas Will Hire Them

Abbott: If Biden Fires Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of Whipping Migrants, Texas Will Hire Them

“I will hire you to help Texas secure the border.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to hire any border patrol agent the Biden administration fires for supposedly whipping migrants:

“Secretary Mayorkas and, if I can be candid, even President Biden, they are in dereliction of duty,” Abbott said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“The Biden administration has abandoned any pretense of securing the sovereignty of either Texas or the United States by having these open border policies,” the governor said. “The people in south Texas, they are angry about the Biden administration for ignoring, for abandoning them. The Biden administration cares far more for the people who are not in this country than he does for the people, American citizens who live in this country.”

You know it’s going to happen. Despite the evidence that proves no border patrol agent whipped Haitian migrants and the photographer even saying he never saw whipping the administration will not let go of the absurd claims.

You know it’s because they are doing their best to deflect from the border crisis of their making. The stupid narrative gives them an opportunity to avoid responsibility:

“They wouldn’t have been in that situation had the Biden administration enforced the immigration laws,” Abbott said. “If he takes any action against them whatsoever – I have worked side by side with those Border Patrol agents – I want them to know something. If they are at risk of losing their job by a president who is abandoning his duty to secure the border, you have a job in the state of Texas. I will hire you to help Texas secure our border.”

I keep using the word moron because I won’t use the words I want to use out of respect for Professor Jacobson.


Nevertheless, Biden vowed that the agents, who were removed from field duty pending an investigation, will “pay.” Abbott was incensed by the president’s treatment of the agents.

“What the president said going after the border patrol who were risking their lives, working so hard to try to secure the border. If he takes any action against them whatsoever — I have worked side by side with those border patrol agents — I want them to know something,” Abbott said. “If they are at risk of losing their job at a president who is abandoning his duty to secure the border, you have a job in the state of Texas.”

The governor added: “I will hire you to help Texas secure the border.”


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They would make good Texas Rangers. In that case they would have safe jobs until Texas gets blue enought to elect a democrat governor.

The Friendly Grizzly | September 27, 2021 at 9:10 am

I suspected something like this may be coming. Abbott is not perfect, but, he seems to come through most of the time.

    Except in the crisis of the moment.

    Article IV Section 4
    The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    Texas, and by extension the rest of the country, is being invaded. Why hasn’t he convened the Legislature to apply to the Federal Government for protection from invasion? If he cannot, why hasn’t he done so himself? We know what the result will be, but he hasn’t done it. Why hasn’t he called up the Guard to the border? All of them. We already know we can stop them at the border by a show of force. We also know other states will assist and send their Guard.

    Screw Biden and his band of illiterates. Take some action, Gov Abbot!

JusticeDelivered | September 27, 2021 at 9:21 am

Why not start hiring them now? And, why not use whatever level of force is necessary to dissuade illegal entry?

    Massinsanity in reply to JusticeDelivered. | September 27, 2021 at 9:38 am

    They may not want to give up their Federal pensions just yet.

    I laugh out loud every time “tough guy” Joe Biden shows up. These guys are going to “pay”, he was going to beat Trump up “behind the gym”.

    The only thing Joe ever beat behind the gym was his meat.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to JusticeDelivered. | September 27, 2021 at 10:22 am

    Why not deputize any and all who live on the border and want to volunteer?

      Not to invent a pun, but we’re bordering on that. Get it? Border? Ok, maybe I was.

      I keep watching Raoul Benavidez talking about why he’s proud to be an American. Puts me in mind of my family. And my adopted Namibian daughter. I wonder, why doesn’t this generation love this country like we do?

      Also, the Biden junta would use the excuse that we’re defending the border to kill us. Which is why, the only reason why, I mention my adopted daughter is Namibian. Herrero to be exact. Who I have taught to shoot and would be right down with us.

      If the MFM can label Larry Elder as the face of white supremacy they can try that with anyone. But, she can shoot.

      Otherwise I’d just have been wasting my time. I used to host foreign officers, officially, it was part of my liaison duties, from all over the world and teach them how to shoot and make Italian food.

Enough with the kabuki theater. Where is the National Guard? It’s the national border! Send them to the border with loaded guns and orders to secure the border! I am as tired of Abbot as I am of anyone else. Too little too late and a lot of it just for show. This isn’t complicated. Just get it done already!

I will point out that the current calamity we have at the border is a bipartisan screwup. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas got at least 6 GOP votes for confirmation:

Vile dotard Xi-den, Mayorkas and the Obama chaperone/caretaker/marionette-handler cabal controlling dotard Xi-den should be publicly flogged for brazenly lying and perpetuating this utterly contrived “whipping” incident, consequences to innocent people’s careers and reputations be damned. That not a single person in the Xi-den cabal possesses a scintilla of integrity and honesty to refute the Dhimmi-crat media prostitute-lackeys’ utterly contrived propaganda lies, is astounding. We are witnessing the evil nature of the vile Dhimmi-crats. Truth and facts are an inconvenience, to be dispensed with, entirely, whenever political self-preservation and one’s political agenda demand it.

as they say in Texas, Abbott is all hat and no cattle!

Abbott should additionally stick it in Biden’s eye by promising to outfit them with real whips if they come over.

Didn’t Abbott say he’d imprison those he caught on the Texas border trying to illegally enter our country? What happened with that?

Tried to contact you about Telegram, but any time I click to email you, ‘Safari can’t find address’ (???) Same thing as Telegram. I wanted to see what Telegram is about and if I saw LIF in it. No success. What can I do?

“Abbott: If Biden Fires Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of Whipping Migrants, Texas Will Hire Them”

That is called “not letting a Democrat created crisis go to waste!”