West Virginia Wesleyan College to Charge Students $750 Fee if They’re Unvaccinated

What is the money for, exactly? It looks like the school is just trying to profit off the pandemic.

Townhall reports:

College Punishes the Unvaccinated, But Not By Denying Them Admission or Subjecting Them to Daily TestingAs colleges and universities across the country prepare to welcome students back to campus, administrators are working to prevent outbreaks of the Wuhan coronavirus through a range of means. One college in Buckhannon, West Virginia, has come up with a plan to charge students who can’t prove they’ve been vaccinated before arriving on campus, rather than requiring vaccination to attend fall classes in-person.According to a COVID-19 update posted to the West Virginia Wesleyan College website, students will be “charged a non-refundable $750 Covid fee for the Fall 2021 semester” if they are unable to show proof of at least one dose of a Wuhan coronavirus vaccine before September 7.After being charged the COVID fee, students “will be required to undergo weekly surveillance testing” conducted by school officials, the cost of which “will be covered by the Covid Fee charged to all unvaccinated students.”Unvaccinated students “will be subject to student judicial action if they do not adhere to the ‘Arrival on Campus’ policies regarding wearing masks, COVID-19 testing, social distancing, etc.” This guidance requires unvaccinated students, faculty, and staff to “wear a mask indoors at all times and maintain a social distance, including in classrooms, dining hall, residence halls, wellness center, and at all indoor venues on campus.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Vaccines, West Virginia, Wuhan Coronavirus