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Public Communications School at Syracuse U. Offers Entrepreneurship Program Based on Race

Public Communications School at Syracuse U. Offers Entrepreneurship Program Based on Race

“We want to help be an agent of change by training people through this program”

Is this even legal? How can a program like this be offered to one specific race?

Campus Reform reports:

Newhouse offers entrepreneurship program based on race

The Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University announced a partnership with a non-profit organization in mid-July to teach digital media skills to Black entrepreneurs.

Black Media Mogul Maker, the entrepreneurship program, will partner with the Center of Hope International, a Syracuse not-for-profit, for a 10-week training program in the Fall.

The digital media entrepreneurship training will “examine the history, disruptions, and opportunities in the media industry and offer frameworks, learnings, and inspiration to start a media venture,” according to the organization’s website.

Sean Branagan, director of Newhouse’s Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship, will lead the training.

Twenty-five participants will be chosen for the program. Daniela Molta, assistant professor of advertising at S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, told that the program would be “an agent of change.”

Molta said program organizers believe most media owners are white men who are not representative of the general population. She argues that more diversity is needed, as reports.

“We want to help be an agent of change by training people through this program,’’ she said.


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They are simply following the socialist playbook for creating racial strife:

1. Get people to divide themselves into tribes.
2. Convince people that other tribes are taking advantage of their tribe.
3. Tell them that they need the leftists’ help to get even.

OH! Now I see I just outlined the curriculum for CRT indoctrination in schools.

Lawsuit time. Again and again and again, until this crap stops.