Panic Porn: Media Buried Key Detail About Florida Teachers Dying Of COVID

Here in Free Florida, we are quite used to the Democrats’ never-ending fear-mongering and hyperbolic attacks on Governor Ron DeSantis. And we see right through both the national and the local partisan bias, a bias that often entails “shock” headlines that bury the facts.  This is what President Trump accurately labeled “fake news.”

Take, for example, these recent hysterical and (intentionally) misleading headlines from the Democrat propagandist media:

Other headlines focus on the deaths of three (or sometimes four, counting a teacher’s aide) teachers from Wuflu without mentioning DeSantis.

What’s missing? A lot. Not the least of which is that the school year has not even started in Florida, so not one these teachers died “in the line of duty” and as a direct result of DeSantis barring masking mandates, as is intentionally implied by the media’s feeding frenzy.

Every death is a tragedy to the family and friends of those who lost a loved one. That goes without saying, or it should. But the Democrats’ and leftist media’s all-out, all-in coordinated efforts to diminish and destroy DeSantis is appalling.  And transparent.

DeSantis has not banned masks anywhere in the state, including schools. Further, he has not banned schools, school districts, or any business or establishment from recommending masks.

DeSantis has, however,  banned mask mandates, up to and including any punitive punishment (arrests, fines, etc.) for non-compliance with county, local, or city recommendations.

Private businesses can do as they please, and the smart ones mirror their community’s stance on masking.  It’s really not hard. Broward County is blue (really really blue), as are the vast majority of its cities and towns. If they want to wear masks until the Second Coming, they can and probably will.

Nothing DeSantis has signed prohibits masking: there is no “anti-masking” law.

If anything, there’s an anti-masking mandate law. This is completely different in every way than the term of choice of the propagandist arm of the Democratic Party that portrays not mandating masking as “just like” banning masking.  We are used to this from Democrats who insist that a refusal to increase spending is a spending reduction. Garbage thinking.

At rock bottom, they are upset because individual freedom and a citizen’s right to assess their own relative health risks, and those of their own children, is an affront to their totalitarian, authoritarian agenda.  Gasp! People can choose to mask or not! The horror!

And frankly, Broward is probably masked to the gills. I haven’t been down there, but I hear (granted anecdotally) that Broward is full of masked Floridian Karens screeching at anyone who doesn’t wear one . . . even outside. I’m pretty sure that once the school year does actually start, Broward’s kids will be masking en masse. By choice.

These hit jobs on DeSantis are about his prominence in the Republican Party, about 2024 or 2028 (or whenever he runs for president, as he most certainly will); they have nothing to do with WuFlu, with masks, or with schools being stopped from issuing mask mandates while still being able to issue recommendations.

It’s all about DeSantis being a likable Trumpian (without the mean tweets) threat to their anti- and unAmerican agenda.

Tags: DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Florida, Media Bias, Ron DeSantis, Wuhan Coronavirus