Panic Porn: Media Buried Key Detail About Florida Teachers Dying Of COVID
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Panic Porn: Media Buried Key Detail About Florida Teachers Dying Of COVID

Panic Porn: Media Buried Key Detail About Florida Teachers Dying Of COVID

These hit jobs on DeSantis are about his prominence in the Republican Party, about 2024 or 2028 … they have nothing to do with WuFlu, with masks, or with schools

Here in Free Florida, we are quite used to the Democrats’ never-ending fear-mongering and hyperbolic attacks on Governor Ron DeSantis. And we see right through both the national and the local partisan bias, a bias that often entails “shock” headlines that bury the facts.  This is what President Trump accurately labeled “fake news.”

Take, for example, these recent hysterical and (intentionally) misleading headlines from the Democrat propagandist media:

  • Insider: “Three teachers died of COVID-19 within 24 hours in Broward County, Florida. Schools there are defying Gov. DeSantis’ ban on mask mandates”
  • CBS News: “Four Broward County educators die from COVID-19 within 24 hours, as Florida’s battle over masks in schools continues”
  • Ocala Star Banner: “COVID deaths of 4 Marion school employees leads to push for mask mandate”

Other headlines focus on the deaths of three (or sometimes four, counting a teacher’s aide) teachers from Wuflu without mentioning DeSantis.

  • CNN: “3 Broward County, Florida, educators died within about 24 hours from Covid-19 complications”
  • Daily Beast: “COVID Kills 4 Teachers in One Day in Same Florida School District”
  • CBS4 Miami: “Update: Three Broward County Educators Lose Battle With COVID-19 In Less Than 24 Hours”

What’s missing? A lot. Not the least of which is that the school year has not even started in Florida, so not one these teachers died “in the line of duty” and as a direct result of DeSantis barring masking mandates, as is intentionally implied by the media’s feeding frenzy.

  • Local 10: 3 “Broward educators with COVID die within 2 days as school year nears”
  • The Guardian: “Four Florida teachers died this week, days before school year begins”

Every death is a tragedy to the family and friends of those who lost a loved one. That goes without saying, or it should. But the Democrats’ and leftist media’s all-out, all-in coordinated efforts to diminish and destroy DeSantis is appalling.  And transparent.

DeSantis has not banned masks anywhere in the state, including schools. Further, he has not banned schools, school districts, or any business or establishment from recommending masks.

DeSantis has, however,  banned mask mandates, up to and including any punitive punishment (arrests, fines, etc.) for non-compliance with county, local, or city recommendations.

Private businesses can do as they please, and the smart ones mirror their community’s stance on masking.  It’s really not hard. Broward County is blue (really really blue), as are the vast majority of its cities and towns. If they want to wear masks until the Second Coming, they can and probably will.

Nothing DeSantis has signed prohibits masking: there is no “anti-masking” law.

If anything, there’s an anti-masking mandate law. This is completely different in every way than the term of choice of the propagandist arm of the Democratic Party that portrays not mandating masking as “just like” banning masking.  We are used to this from Democrats who insist that a refusal to increase spending is a spending reduction. Garbage thinking.

At rock bottom, they are upset because individual freedom and a citizen’s right to assess their own relative health risks, and those of their own children, is an affront to their totalitarian, authoritarian agenda.  Gasp! People can choose to mask or not! The horror!

And frankly, Broward is probably masked to the gills. I haven’t been down there, but I hear (granted anecdotally) that Broward is full of masked Floridian Karens screeching at anyone who doesn’t wear one . . . even outside. I’m pretty sure that once the school year does actually start, Broward’s kids will be masking en masse. By choice.

These hit jobs on DeSantis are about his prominence in the Republican Party, about 2024 or 2028 (or whenever he runs for president, as he most certainly will); they have nothing to do with WuFlu, with masks, or with schools being stopped from issuing mask mandates while still being able to issue recommendations.

It’s all about DeSantis being a likable Trumpian (without the mean tweets) threat to their anti- and unAmerican agenda.


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Howard Dean is not the best advocate for predicting failures. ‘Were gonna win, then win again all the way to the WH yippee!!!!’

Fuzzy, I live in south Broward County and can tell you first hand that the masked are out in full force. People are still driving alone in their vehicles with masks on. Malls and stores are full of masked sheep.
Yes, the area is about as blue as it gets, the media is also about as blue as it gets. If you relied upon them as your main news source you would never come out of your house.
One item that hasn’t gotten much coverage, none of them were vaccinated. They had all summer to get the shots.

    gibbie in reply to buck61. | August 14, 2021 at 10:22 pm

    “none of them were vaccinated”

    Please post a link if you have one. I am surrounded and need defensive support.

      amwick in reply to gibbie. | August 14, 2021 at 10:49 pm

      Just an anecdote, but my step son, and his best friend got really, really sick, most likely that Delta variant. .. The friend is fighting for his life… right now.. They both live outside Tampa, they were both fully vaccinated.
      My neighbor and her husband, (Myrtle Beach) both vaccinated, both sick with the virus. He ended up in the hospital,,, now home, but he needs oxygen. BTW, I gave them both a big hug two days before they tested positive… I am fine..

      I do not have an issue with their personal choices.. but something is really wrong.

        henrybowman in reply to amwick. | August 14, 2021 at 11:14 pm

        This is why much of America has come to the conclusion that this is all nothing but a big crapshoot, being exploited for political gain. You have a vaccine that everybody “has to” be forced to take, but it doesn’t keep you from catching the virus or passing it on, and (as you have explained) it doesn’t even moderate how hard you get hit. Some or all of the vaccines make you shed virus that you wouldn’t have otherwise shed onto the people you meet, many of whom are ironically terrified of people who haven’t had the jab (don’t look now, guys, but it’s gaining on you). It’s all about the “saaaaaaaafety,” but none of it ever actually makes you safer.

        Those that would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
        –Ben Franklin

          gibbie in reply to henrybowman. | August 15, 2021 at 8:31 am

          “it doesn’t keep you from catching the virus or passing it on, and (as you have explained) it doesn’t even moderate how hard you get hit. Some or all of the vaccines make you shed virus that you wouldn’t have otherwise shed onto the people you meet”

          I don’t think that any of this is true. Please cite something other than anecdotal evidence for these claims.

          mark311 in reply to henrybowman. | August 15, 2021 at 9:29 am

          With respect one anecdotal story isn’t a great way of assessing the effectiveness of th vaccine. The data points firmly in the other direction facts like 94% of unvaccinated people with covid are unvaccinated, that the severity of illness is much less with those who have been vaccinated, the large drop on death rates in the older generation because you guessed it because they have been vaccinated. Maybe follow the science rather than one story about one couple.

          tom_swift in reply to henrybowman. | August 17, 2021 at 12:38 pm

          Maybe follow the science rather than one story about one couple.

          Waving a few isolated numbers around is not science. It’s advertising.

        I’m so sorry @amwick and praying for your loved ones. Tampa is still in the blue zone, though there are some red strongholds in Hillsborough County, so masking is still prevalent there.

        As to the thing that is really wrong, IMO, it’s that Florida, like Texas, Louisiana, and other red states are seeing a crazy number of illegal aliens dumped without regard to their WuFlu status (if it was even tested, much less treated).

        Allow me to don my infamous tinfoil tiara . . . Is it really a stretch to think that the every crisis is an opportunity that should not go to waste crowd who thought Fast and Furious was a great way to undermine or even eliminate the Second Amendment wouldn’t (essentially) weaponize WuFlu-infected illegals by dumping them in the red states?

        My tinfoil tiara only goes so far, though, I think this was opportunistic “never let a crisis got to waste” plotting. I don’t think that was the plan all along; I think they saw the historical number of illegals rushing our border, saw their high rates of COVID infection, saw the over-crowding and horrifically inhumane conditions and thought, we have to get these people off the border.

        Wait? Hundreds of thousands of them have or may have WuFlu. Great, ship them (by bus, plane, and train) to DeSantis, to Abbott, to every other GOP governor or mayor so we can manufacture a second crisis (a surge in infections, hospitalizations, and deaths) from the one we created in the first place (open borders with promises of cash, amnesty, and government handouts) and use it to our political advantage.

        If they are willing to knowingly sell and have no way to track guns to Mexican cartels in order to undermine the Second Amendment, why wouldn’t they jump on this as a political opportunity?

          after todays earthquake in Haiti, Florida can expect thousands of displaced Haitians to flown into the state in the coming days. Most of those won’t be vaccinated and won’t be put into any form of quarantine. We will be welcoming any influx of covid from a foreign land.

          You’ve just made a great argument for masks, lockdowns, better messaging advocating for the vaccine and imo oved vaccination rates well done.

          The short version of all that is “treason”.

        Sanddog in reply to amwick. | August 15, 2021 at 3:44 am

        There’s just no telling who is going to get it. At one of my jobsites, I spent quite a bit of time with a guy who tested positive. Those of us who worked with him are all fine. We’re all past the incubation period with zero symptoms.

    Milhouse in reply to buck61. | August 14, 2021 at 11:00 pm

    Huh. I live in one of the wokest parts of NYC, and yet the majority of people I see on the street are not wearing masks. A lot are, but not even close to a majority. It’s nothing like it was a few months ago, when people would openly stand back from me on the street because I was <shudder> barefaced.

    What puzzles me is all the kids who are wearing masks, even when with adults who aren’t. I guess in some cases the kids actually like wearing the things, especially the cute ones they have with the animals etc. But I wonder how many of these are cases of the parents telling them they have to wear masks because they’re too young to be vaccinated. I guess they haven’t heard that young kids (under 10) not only don’t get sick but also don’t spread the virus.

      Concise in reply to Milhouse. | August 15, 2021 at 1:18 pm

      Yeah, that’s about their only real use, weird fashion accessories. Oh they help one retain anonymity during looting.

    henrybowman in reply to buck61. | August 14, 2021 at 11:06 pm

    My 100+yo mother in Pasco explains that for you: “Our Republican governor sent all the vaccines out to all the Republican neighborhood first, made sure they all got them. They wouldn’t let us have any for months, no matter how often we called Publix.” I had to explain to her, “Mom, you don’t even live in a Democrat neighborhood.”

    But the fear porn works. She’s convinced that Florida infants are falling like flies to COVID, and that infinitely more people have died under DeSantis than under Cuomo.

    And if that weren’t enough, she has just discovered “global warmening.” “Why do they let people have two cars?” she griped to me last week. “Because they’re not Fidel Castro,” I replied… “not yet, anyway.’

So, first they report four dead teachers, then that number is revised downward to three school employees, all dead “from COVID-19.” The obvious media goal is to hang these deaths around Governor DeSantis’ neck because he had banned mask mandates and the implication is that is why these people allegedly died. Now we find out that not only has school not yet begun, so lack of masks at school could not have played a part, but now reports that none of the dead were vaccinated either? Based on previous experience, how certain can we be what the actual cause of death was for any of them?

    gatorbait in reply to Idonttweet. | August 15, 2021 at 1:54 pm

    In discussion with a former hospital administrator he said that if a patient dies with a positive COVID and a heart attack, did COVID cause the heart attack? Yes, it should be counted as a COVID death because the heart attack certainly didn’t cause the COVID. I asked why he assumed COVID caused the heart attack and he had no answer but the assumption. THAT is the kind of logic feeding the data across this country.

      Dathurtz in reply to gatorbait. | August 15, 2021 at 2:07 pm

      Yep. Data collection was corrupted. Intentionally.

      We will never know how many died from covid and how many died with a symptom that could be said to be from covid.

        mark311 in reply to Dathurtz. | August 16, 2021 at 2:16 am

        Actually we have a pretty good idea given the stable death rates pre covid. If you compare the number of deaths pre covid and during covid the number match up pretty well

      mark311 in reply to gatorbait. | August 16, 2021 at 2:15 am

      Covid can put extra stress on the heart as your body fights the infection so it’s entirely plausible that covid is the primary cause. Maybe you should ask a Dr rather than an administrator about such things.

I grieve for people who trade their dignity – their souls for a paycheck – putting their name to lies they’re told to print.

When I first went to work, I was tasked to produce performance metrics. When the numbers plummeted following a period of high turnover, management directed me fudge the numbers, but I refused because it was unethical. When the manager altered my charts and called me “insubordinate” and it was clear I’d be disciplined, I transferred out. It was a tough lesson for a pie-eyed 22 year old with 40 years left to work. I’m surprised I made it 20 years, as that was just the first of many such experiences that ultimately broke me for working there. I valued my soul more than the job and paycheck.

Though not always a boy-scout, I still can’t wrap my head around people who remain faithful to an employer who requires them to lie daily.

    Dathurtz in reply to MrE. | August 15, 2021 at 2:08 pm

    They have warped their minds until they believe their own lies. And they can’t even begin to consider that they are lying to themselves.

Morning Sunshine | August 15, 2021 at 12:30 am

I saw pictures of all three of these teachers. All three had the LEADING cause of death for COVID victims: obesity

I am about ready to start demanding weight loss programs for teachers, well, for everyone next time someone tells me that vaccination will save me from the wu-flu. If they have the right to tell me to wear a mask and to get a “vaccine,” I have the right to take away their sodas and junk food.

The real reason why they want masks in schools, they can’t get all the teachers and support staff vaccinated. I haven’t heard a word from the heads of the teachers union demanding that they all get vaccinated for their safety and the safety of the kids. They shifted to burden to the kids as they have no real voice. At least some parents and a few in the political class are standing up for the kids and the parents who don’t want to bow down to the educators who aren’t getting the shots even though they were given high priority early in the process.

My Karen acquaintance in upstate NY is fairly conservative with the glaring exception to the virus. She wants the unvaccinated to be held in jail or failing that she wants them to catch the virus and die. I stopped texting with her.

My thought is if you’re obese and/or are diabetic then you probably should get the vaccine. If not then take lots of vitamin D3 and zinc and find yourself a doctor who is willing to prescribe ivermectin or HCQ if you get the WuFlu.

Actually the school year has started in many districts in Florida. Not saying that it’s a cause (because it isn’t), but Florida schools start early in most counties.

    hrhdhd in reply to Evil Otto. | August 15, 2021 at 7:59 pm

    Thanks for saving me the typing. In central Florida, Orange and Seminole Counties started classes on Aug. 10, followed by Osceola on the 12th.

      This is clearly my mistake, and I appreciate your and @Evil Otto pointing that out. School hasn’t started yet in my county, nor in Broward, so I was wrong in saying “Florida schools” have not started yet; I should have written that Broward County schools have not yet started.

      That said, this changes the point of my post how? BROWARD school teachers (and one teacher’s assistant) reportedly died of (or with?) Wuflu before the school year IN BROWARD COUNTY even started.

      I was not clear, and that is on me. But what you are saying is ridiculous. These were Broward teachers, not Orange or Seminole ones, right? And these Broward teachers died BEFORE the school year began in Broward County. So your point is . . . what exactly?

These are the same loons who would have preferred Andrew “crackhead” Gillum to have been Governor.

Some indisputable facts:

Florida has, for the past six weeks, had the highest per capita vaccination rate in the country. It has pretty much caught up with the northeast in vaccinations.

The death surge in Florida is over. It lasted one month. Florida is now down the lowest levels of deaths since the start of the pandemic.

There are still lots of cases, and a vaccinated person can get the disease. But a vaccinated person is ten times less likely to get sick, and a hundred times less likely to die than an unvaccinated person.

I know there are a lot anti-vaxers reading LI, bu they are misinformed.

Try going straight to the data and learn something about the effects of the vaccine, unfiltered by hysterical reporting by both sides.

Worldometers will tell you about trends in cases and deaths. Ourworldindata will tell you how many people are vaccinated.

    CommoChief in reply to Petrushka. | August 15, 2021 at 12:22 pm

    The spike in Florida TX and the rest of the South is seasonal. The next spike will be in Northern States. This is almost the same pattern as last year.

      mark311 in reply to CommoChief. | August 16, 2021 at 4:14 pm

      The pattern was relating to lockdown and mask mandates, seasons had some impact but relative to public health measures not much. In this case it’s abundantly clear that the delta variant and lack of any public health measures are the primary drivers

Free Florida? How deeply ironic given the ban on mask mandates. Seems a slight contradiction in terms

    CommoChief in reply to mark311. | August 15, 2021 at 1:41 pm

    How so? A ban on requiring a mask still allows the individual to exercise liberty. They can choose for themselves to wear or not wear.

    Florida is allowing individuals to decide what precautions to take in protecting their own health; that’s freedom.

      And since masks offer no or limited (e.g. droplet or symptomatic spread and following strict protocol) source control, the choice to wear masks is a purely personal decision and belief, and, unfortunately, politically congruent legal indemnity.

        CommoChief in reply to n.n. | August 15, 2021 at 10:25 pm

        Not only that but because people don’t properly use the masks, clean them, replace them at intervals the masks do more harm.

        Hand washing is far more effective in limiting transmission. Even then, that’s proper hand washing.

        The key to masks or hand washing is being disciplined enough to do it correctly every time. Since most people don’t have that ability they negate the value turning a mask into a symbol.

      mark311 in reply to CommoChief. | August 16, 2021 at 2:22 am

      Because it’s a ban on people making there own personal choice which so precisely what de santis has been trying to claim in terms of his freedom argument. A mandate for a business who wants to be sensible and not take a risk is that business owners choice, a school that wants to protect it’s kids that’s it’s choice.

      It’s not freedom when you then get covid and spend time in hospital or die. It’s not freedom to get long covid. Fundamentally in this context the whole not wearing masks = freedom thing is just selfish bullshit. Given how limited an impact it has on you as a person to put a piece of cloth over your mouth and nose when walking into a shop I’d say the argument for freedom is pretty pathetic.

    A ban on mandates is anti-freedom?

    Do you ever listen to yourself?

    You should. You’re hilarious.

      mark311 in reply to McGehee. | August 16, 2021 at 2:23 am

      Sure if you are a business owner and you want to make a choice about how your customers should behave don’t you think they should be allowed too?

    hrhdhd in reply to mark311. | August 15, 2021 at 8:00 pm

    The guy we saw walking alone, outside, on the beach in Manatee County wearing a mask has the right to wear a mask. And look like an idiot.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | August 15, 2021 at 11:12 am

Until Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J not only mandate, but FORCE their employees to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until the schools not only mandate, but FORCE their teachers and school employees to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until the federal government not only mandates, but FORCES their employees to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until the governors not only mandate, but FORCE themselves and their state employees to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until Congress not only mandates, but FORCES everyone who steps into the halls of Congress to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until every democrat voter not only mandates, but FORCES every democratic party voter and politician to get the vaccine, I will not.

Until every doctor, nurse, or other health care worker is mandatorily FORCED to get the vaccine, I will not.

If all of the people who refused to consider the vaccine while Trump was president are not FORCED to get the vaccine, I will not.

It’s NOT a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy.

It’s easy for TPTB to fake taking the vaccine by using saline shots or falsified records.

    Petrushka in reply to Egghead. | August 15, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    To be polite, that is contrafactual.

      CommoChief in reply to Petrushka. | August 15, 2021 at 12:27 pm

      So to be clear then you are stating that the current vax will remain constant? That the particular genetic sequence affecting spike protein won’t be altered for current variants; delta/lambda and will instead remain completely unmodified?

      Dathurtz in reply to Petrushka. | August 15, 2021 at 1:47 pm

      Why in the world do you insist in believing the same people who not only caused this mess but lied about it every step of the way?

    n.n in reply to Egghead. | August 15, 2021 at 3:18 pm

    It’s a quasi vaccine (e.g. non-sterilizing). The mRNA variants usurp the role of viruses to takeover cell machinery in order to produce viral components that could match and stimulate a proactive immune response. However, unlike the short-lived effects of drugs, the risk and benefit of vaccines is unknown without long-term (e.g. decade or more) safety data. So, the excess adverse events including death, and lack of adequate safety data, is part of the risk calculus, which is manageable for the minority high risk populations, and less so in the general population.

With mandatory shots and 6 month boosters, there are trillions of dollars at stake. Tell them to give up their Covid shot and test patents and see what they say….

Antifundamentalist | August 15, 2021 at 11:41 am

My questions are: 1. Were they vaccinated? 2. If so, which vaccine did the receive, 3. How long ago did they receive the vaccine, and 4. Did they have other conditions that placed them in a higher-risk category for complications? …..You know, the kind of information that can help other people assess risks.

The most vaccine resistant class of people is not right wingers, but PhDs.

Some facts…

Total Covid deaths, under age 17 — 349. Source: CDC.

That’s since this ‘pandemic’ began over 18 months ago. And that’s if we believe the actual cause of death was Covid.

Let’s put that in perspective….

Deaths by cause in 2018 under age 14. (12 month period). Source: CDC

— Influenza & Pneumonia: 244
— Suicide: 596
— Homicide: 652
— Unintentional Injury: 3160

Extrapolate the deaths by Influenza & Pneumonia to 18 months: 366.

Covid deaths under the age of 17 over the last 18 months are fewer than deaths from Influenza & Pneumonia under the age of 14 in a typical 18 month period.

Plus, we’ve been told that the flu has disappeared in the last 18 months.

I suppose we’re supposed to believe, without hard evidence, the Covid death count among the young is low because of masks and remote teaching. No rigorous ‘scientific study’ on that. Just Fauci’s and the CDC’s opinion.

And I wonder what the death count for the same period is for other causes, like suicide.

    Dathurtz in reply to JHogan. | August 15, 2021 at 1:50 pm

    Remote learning didn’t stop kids from testing positive. We did all this insane stuff in school and the kids would leave school and share a drink.

      The virus was already widespread, and progressed in closed (greenhouse effect) environments. Ironically, lockdown policy likely contributed, if not to transmission, to infection and disease progression. The mask policy also misrepresented the benefit and risk of various ppe. We avoided the worst case scenario, because people had preexisting immunity, were otherwise resistant (and developed immunity), or were simply not at risk (e.g. outdoors).

The mask meme relied on the droplet spread theory that failed to materialize in significant cases. Masks offer no source control. They present random chance to control transmission at best, and increase infections at worst. Even N95s only work when following strict protocol.

The quasi-vaccines (e.g. non-sterilizing) are suitable for specialized deployment, but present and represent elevated risk (e.g. suppressed symptoms, higher viral titers) to the general population, most of whom were either had preexisting or naturally acquired immunity, or were otherwise eligible for early therapeutic treatments that mitigate infection and disease progression. From Britain’s NHS, the delta variant has been more infectious in non-vaccinated, but 6x more deadly in vaccinated, but overall comparable to seasonal flu. The original SARS-CoV-2 cases and deaths, aside from planned parent/hood facilities and practices, were correlated with “fat is beautiful” and “healthy at any weight” (no judgment, no labels) and metabolic dysfunction correlated with age (around 4% with the greenhouse effect aboard the cruise ship).

Ironically, the general distribution of “leaky” vaccines may have forced the evolution of the virus to become more infectious, but less deadly. The leaky masks were, at best, offered a politically congruent legal indemnity.

I congratulate Xi Jinping on his masterful disruption of the lives of so many hundreds of millions living on planet earth. His party was quick to cry “germ warfare” during the Korean War–blaming the USA for dropping infected bugs all over Manchuria, and that in the dead of winter–and now, it seems, his party has either deliberately leaked a deadly virus or made hay out of an accidental leak.