Loudoun County School Board Cuts Off Speaker As He Recounts Being Sexually Abused As A Child
“has microphone CUT and is told to ‘yield’ the floor by woke Loudoun County school board”
Loudoun County in Virginia has become ground zero in the battle over progressive ideology in education. For a time, it was just about Critical Race Theory but now they are trying to implement a whole new set of rules over transgender students.
Members of the community recently lined up to make comments to the school board.
One young man tried to express his concern that predators could take advantage of the situation. He then began to describe how he was sexually abused as a child, and the school board cut him off. Such compassion.
The Daily Mail reported:
Sobbing former student protesting controversial transgender policy reveals he was molested as a child but has microphone CUT and is told to ‘yield’ the floor by woke Loudoun County school board
A former Loudoun County student was cut off after telling Loudoun County’s woke public school board that he was the victim of sexual abuse as a child and didn’t want his brothers to go through the same while protesting against a controversial transgender policy that the board will vote on tonight…
‘As a 13-year-old-boy I was molested. I don’t want sexual predators to slip through the cracks.
‘The policies here today are tying the hands of teachers and parents,’ the unidentified former student said.
‘I would never want what happened to me happen to somebody else. I look at my little brothers and am remin
‘ded of the things I’ve gone through.’
Before he could finish, his microphone was cut off.
Here’s the video:
Yet another example of courage – this young survivor of sexual assault spoke truth to power at the #loudouncounty school board meeting last night.
And the Chairwoman wouldn't even let him finish before cutting his mic. pic.twitter.com/ZxZSIGhsn7
— Ian Prior (@iandprior) August 11, 2021
The school board listened to the concerns of parents and other community members and then did what they wanted to do. They passed the measure.
The Loudoun Times-Mirror reports:
Updated: Loudoun School Board passes transgender policy 8040
The Loudoun County School Board on Wednesday evening voted 7-2 to approve policy 8040, which addresses the treatment and common issues pertaining to transgender students in elementary and secondary schools.
Board members Jeff Morse and John Beatty voted against the policy.
The board passed two amendments during the hour-long discussion. The first, introduced by Board Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan, will require inclusivity training for all LCPS staff members. The second, introduced by Board member Ian Serotkin, will require that school restrooms be modified to ensure privacy, modesty and safety for all students.
The people of this community have a few options left at this point.
1. Take their children out of the school and home-school them.
2. Run for school board and take it back from these progressive activists.
3. Protest and demand your tax dollars back. Your money built the school and pays the teachers. Shut off the source.
Featured image via Twitter video.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Other than the cost, I see no reason to object to this. If it means turning all restrooms into single-user ones like we all have at home, then it gets rid of the whole issue, for them. Do the same to changing rooms and showers and it gets rid of the issue altogether. Let people call themselves whatever they like; if it doesn’t let them see what they shouldn’t, or expose themselves to whom they shouldn’t, then who cares?
People like you make a mess of everything.
How is his idea “making a mess of everything”? Explain please.
Chris has to explain that? It’s self evident.
Because this isn’t about protecting anyone’s modesty. This is about allowing boys to change with girls because someone wants to suddenly be a donut today because they feel like it.
Single-user restrooms in something like a restaurant or RV park work great. Single-user showers in schools that need to get used by entire PE classes in the four minutes they are typically allotted are an insane idea.
Kids don’t shower after PE anymore. A lot of kids wear their gym shorts under their clothes so they don’t have to let the locker room see their underwear.
They are also very dangerous, and can encourage sexual attacks !
If you don’t understand that his comment is ridiculous, and also dangerous then there is no hope for you.
I don’t understand why it’s ridiculous or dangerous.
I’ve been into a school with mixed gender bathrooms. Each toilet has its own stall, the sinks are shared and there’s no door stopping anybody seeing who is at the sinks.
I’ve also used unisex showers in multiple European countries.
So no, I don’t have a clue why his comment is dangerous. Perhaps you’d care to articulate it simply so that the rest of us can understand.
My wife and I grew up in Germany. This was exactly how both school and extracurricular activities were. For example, at the swimming pool, there were separate “group” locker rooms for males and females, however, there was a row of “changing booths” in a hallway between the male & female locker rooms. It was expected that most people would go to the changing booth, change into or out of your swimming attire, and then go to your locker area to store your gear. Worked fine for us as kids and young adults.
Works great for swimming, a naturally clean activity.
Now what did they do about soccer sweat?
The changing booths had showers in them.
And how’s Germany today?
You can’t be so naive as to believe this woke school board actually means this to apply to any but “transgenders”. More than likely these schools will end up as safe for females as a California women’s prison.
Wait a minute; are you saying those are not virgin conceptions in the Kalifornia women’s prisons? next you will be telling us there is no Easter Bunny.
I wonder if it was by a public school employee. Won’t call em teachers after they fought doing so this year.
‘Union hacks’ would be more appropo.
Bzzt. Bzzt. Try again.
Works for traditional bathrooms. Not so much for locker rooms — you know, the ones that serve gym class and team sports.
The LCSB has no interest in hearing from the citizens. They only hold hearings so they can “Check the Box.” After that, they do what they had already planned to do as told by the LCPS HQ staff.
And please do not underestimate the professional bureaucracy (HQ Staff) in this. Like the EU, they are the driving force behind much of this.
Why? Because they know better.
Its’ not a mater of ‘they know better’ – it’s a matter of control (meaning, MONEY.)
Fauci has gotten rich off this crisis (million dollar ‘prizes’, owning patents of American taxpayer funded projects), and so is that new hack, Rochelle Walensky: who is siphoning millions in government money to her husband’s businesses.
We all wonder who is really running the nation, because Joe Biden sure ain’t. It’s coming to the point where it appears Hunter Biden is running the nation.
The Bratva-bro who stole Hunter Biden’s third laptop is running the nation.
(Yes, he’s up to THREE missing laptops full of porn now.
The guy’s a regular Johnny “Apple” Seed.)
I favor defunding public schools. How do we root out every low life in the system, it is so corrupted, I see no way to salvage public schools. Then there is the issue of unions, shutting existing public schools down will take care of how corrupted teacher union have become.
Defund, defenestrate, same thing.
It seems to me that it would be called getting lucky, but perhaps people vary.
From the Daily Mail article:
“A spokesman for the school board told DailyMail.com on Wednesday night: ‘The microphone cuts off automatically at two minutes, which is the amount of time speakers were told they would have prior to the meeting.’ ”
This may not be a case of the Chair cutting off the mic to spite the speaker, but to adhere to the rules of the limited forum.
(This is not a defense of the School Board, but as someone who has attended packed meetings with lots of speakers, the time limit becomes something that is enforced rigorously. My little ‘burg had a meeting last Thursday where over 500 people had signed up to speak. Even allowing 30 seconds more per speaker would have added over 4 hours of time to the meeting.)
It would be interesting to see the video of the young man’s entire comment to see if he was allowed his 2 minutes.
IMO the parents who oppose these policies should begin implementing their back up plans for their child’s education. Do not make the mistake of sending the child to attend the school even for a month or six weeks.
Deny the district the ability to include your child in the attendance count reported to the State. This in turn lowers the amount of per pupil top up finding from the State and Federal government.
No one said life was easy and pulling the children will be disruptive for the child and the parents. This is one of those occasions where character is revealed.
Deny the district the ability to include your child in the attendance count reported to the State. This in turn lowers the amount of per pupil top up finding from the State and Federal government.
Not necessarily. In deep blue counties and states the taxes could go sky high to make up for the loss. Alternatively, schools that don’t get what they deem to be their “fair share” will sue, and it would only be a matter of finding a judge willing to see it their way (this is what happened in Texas a number of years ago).
I am all in favor of pulling your children out of public school – my wife and I homeschool our autistic son, and made major changes in our lives to make it happen – but I am not optimistic that having lots of parents withdraw their children will starve the ravenous monster that is public education.
The formula for disbursement of those additional State and Federal dollars is based upon the number of Students. Less students enrolled = less money. There isn’t any nuance as yet. Maybe later but not now.
The tax rates might fall slightly based on less personnel needed to teach and less support staff. Overall property taxes wouldn’t drop that much.
The other benefit of going Gault is that the parents who do so are likely the ones who care. These are the volunteers and supporters of the school their child attends.
If the active, involved Parents depart for private or home school they will stop volunteering. They won’t support the school in all the ways they do now; club sponsor, volunteer coaches, fundraising for band or team uniforms or to sponsor a trip for the band or the debate team or whatever.
The schools take these Parents for granted at their own risk. The bottom line is these are the kinds of Parents the schools need to be successful.
The people of this community have a few options left at this point.
1. Take their children out of the school and home-school them.
Sure, pay for public school but don’t use it.
2. Run for school board and take it back from these progressive activists.
This, seriously. And watch who counts the votes. Dominion will be interested in helping keep the status quo.
3. Protest and demand your tax dollars back. Your money built the school and pays the teachers. Shut off the source.
What an imagination. If you don’t pay property taxes, your house will be claimed by the county or state.
So, what’s your solution?
Seccession. It’s our only way out.
Cowboy up. After your kids have graduated and have families of their own in other states — or even if you never had kids at all — you still have many decades of paying for your public school and not using it to look forward to.
It’s a sunk cost, like FISA — eat it, and move onto a more productive strategy.
I wonder how many of the parents who strongly object to this policy also voted for the same bozos on the school board. Say what you will about the totalitarians on the school board: they have never hidden or disguised what they planned to do.
I have yet to meet a “professional educator” who did not sincerely believe that in a proper society your child would the the sole property of the State. Watch out for any school board candidate who touts their credentials as an education prof/teacher/bureaucrat. Nine times out of ten they are not there to represent your views; they are their to force their cultist beliefs down the throats of those whom they deem to be “bigots”.
I think we need to give parents a break. I am not sure how it works elsewhere, but here in my little slice of Free Florida heaven, school board elections happen at really odd times, not during midterms or presidential elections, but on some random day of some random year. Only the truly plugged in even know they are happening. This, of course, is why school boards are run by lunatics. We have to take it upon ourselves to follow this more closely.
The best thing we can do to end this CRT travesty is to completely eliminate all public unions, including teacher unions. Or start out with only teacher unions. They have to go. Now. Until we end their stranglehold on our taxpayer dollars and on politicians bought by these unions, nothing we do to replace the school board will make one whit of difference.
We have to take it upon ourselves to follow this more closely.
The Second Rule of Leftists* is that they are absolutely relentless. They are backed by “woke” corporations and plutocrats, a lying media, and guilt-ridden wealthy whites. There is no part of society or culture that they will not try to control. Give them an inch, and they will try to take a couple of light years. If after this the parents of Loudoun County don’t watch their school board like a hawk, they have no one to blame but themselves.
( * – The First Rule of Leftists is that they will always accuse you of whatever they themselves are guilty of)
I wonder if our side has been too complacent in the face of their relentlessness? What do you think?
In my case, the answer is “yes”.
There are many things I should have done. I should have puled my autistic son out of public school earlier. I should not have trusted the GOP and their endless productions of Failure Theater (TM) for as long as I did.
I think everyone is going to have to take a good look at what they are doing now, and ask themselves: can I do something different? Should I do more? There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but everyone will need to realize that we are in a conflict with those who want us dead or enslaved. Act accordingly.
Great comment, Recovering Lutheran! I agree with everything you say and think we all need to do more than we are, no matter how involved we are, it’s clearly not enough, and we need to mobilize.
We definitely have been. I have been trying my best to wake up local people to the danger of school boards for about 10 years now. I woke up to it when I became a teacher.
Nobody cared until a year ago.
Like talk host Jeff Kuhner likes to say, Democrats play smash-mouth football while Republicans play badminton.
Public unions should be outlawed. Or at a minimum, be right-to-work with optional membership fees.
But the RINOs will never have the balls to do that.
If we mobilize against public unions, the pols will follow. Heck, there are plenty of anti-public union GOP Sens and Reps.
As an only tangentially-related aside not directed at you, Olinser but at the “uniparty” believers: I think it’s a bit nuts to dismiss the entire Republican party because of four of five actual RINOs (we know who they are) and then ten or so scheming pols (we know who they are) who don’t give a crap about anything but themselves and what they can crow about back home about how they got federal taxpayer money for their pet boondoggles.
So 19 GOP Sens voted to move the disgusting “infrastructure” pork-fest through, do we throw out the 31 GOP Sens who voted against it? Of course not, that is crazy town.
Instead, we replace the Dem-voting sell-outs for pork with stronger Republicans. We let the states know what their relative pittance actually accomplishes vs. the increased inflation the over-spending will spur, the fact that their crumbs from the taxpayer pie will actually cost them when they have to pay for each mile they drive and for non-existent auto-breathalyzers and for being forced to drive electric cars that cannot be charged because Green New Deal.
How happy will they be to know their Senator brought that hell upon them for the price of a few “shovel ready” jobs? None too happy is my guess. Pork is poison. Woots! Look, four jobs for squirrels! Yay! Meanwhile, everyone else pays and pays and pays until they don’t have a dime left.
Tie that trade-off to the Senators who peacock their four jobs for squirrels while hiding the actual and devastating effects on the entire nation, including their own state (except the Senator and those four lucky squirrels).
That is a great idea except for the stupid dumbasses who keep voting for these assholes. All I have to do is look at the Facebook comments from fellow Ohioans who are SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU! that DeWine is the piece of crap that some of us knew he would be. It’s not enough to just vote Republican.
Give Parents a break? Tell you what how about we agree that the Parents were complacent and the direct result is the infiltration of all this nonsense into the schools?
Let’s also agree that it isn’t solely the Parents responsibility even though they have a closer awareness of what the schools teach and what policies they implement than others in the community.
Finally let’s agree that every voter in the community needs to be willing to pay attention to what is happening in the community schools and be willing to remain committed to a state of eternal vigilance.
Anything less and even if we are successful here and now in ten years it comes back.
The weakness of our political system is naieve, trusting, badly informed voters.
It’s a hard lesson, but parents cannot turn their kids over to the care of people who see the public schools as a tool to dismantle and “fundamentally transform” our culture, society and nation. Any more than voters can continue to elect political candidates who refuse to fight for the interests of those they represent.
Yes, eternal vigilance is absolutely required. This includes having at least a general grasp of each party’s platform (values and goals); vetting of candidates (not merely being swayed by campaign promises, attractiveness or which candidate “sounds good”), and continued oversight of performance, once elected.
Not to do so only ensures even more of the chaotic woke assaults we are all suffering now.
That Chairwoman and that Board were incredibly CRUEL to cut off that speaker while he was discussing his abuse ! Don’t these people have ANY compassion in their soul !